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Max-min interval systems of linear equations with bounded solution

Helena Myšková (2012)


Max-min algebra is an algebraic structure in which classical addition and multiplication are replaced by and , where a b = max { a , b } , a b = min { a , b } . The notation 𝐀 𝐱 = 𝐛 represents an interval system of linear equations, where 𝐀 = [ A ̲ , A ¯ ] , 𝐛 = [ b ̲ , b ¯ ] are given interval matrix and interval vector, respectively, and a solution is from a given interval vector 𝐱 = [ x ̲ , x ¯ ] . We define six types of solvability of max-min interval systems with bounded solution and give necessary and sufficient conditions for them.

Métodos para la actualización de los factores de Q y R de una matriz.

Laureano F. Escudero (1984)

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

Recientemente se han propuesto varios métodos para modificar los factores Q y R de una matriz una vez que se ha eliminado (o añadido) una fila o una columna. Normalmente la descripción de estos métodos se efectúa en el contexto de una determinada aplicación; quizá sea ésta la causa de su escasa difusión.

Minimal c p rank.

Shaked-Monderer, Naomi (2001)

ELA. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra [electronic only]

Minimizing and maximizing a linear objective function under a fuzzy max - * relational equation and an inequality constraint

Zofia Matusiewicz (2022)


This paper provides an extension of results connected with the problem of the optimization of a linear objective function subject to max - * fuzzy relational equations and an inequality constraint, where * is an operation. This research is important because the knowledge and the algorithms presented in the paper can be used in various optimization processes. Previous articles describe an important problem of minimizing a linear objective function under a fuzzy max - * relational equation and an inequality constraint,...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 115