Displaying 201 – 220 of 785

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Explicit bounds for the Łojasiewicz exponent in the gradient inequality for polynomials

Didier D'Acunto, Krzysztof Kurdyka (2005)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let f: ℝⁿ → ℝ be a polynomial function of degree d with f(0) = 0 and ∇f(0) = 0. Łojasiewicz’s gradient inequality states that there exist C > 0 and ϱ ∈ (0,1) such that | f | C | f | ϱ in a neighbourhood of the origin. We prove that the smallest such exponent ϱ is not greater than 1 - R ( n , d ) - 1 with R ( n , d ) = d ( 3 d - 3 ) n - 1 .

Explicit models for perserse sheaves.

Félix Gudiel Rodríguez, Luis Narváez Macarro (2003)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We consider categories of generalized perverse sheaves, with relaxed constructibility conditions, by means of the process of gluing t-structures and we exhibit explicit abelian categories defined in terms of standard sheaves categories which are equivalent to the former ones. In particular , we are able to realize perverse sheaves categories as non full abelian subcategories of the usual bounded complexes of sheaves categories. Our methods use induction on perversities. In this paper, we restrict...

Explicit resolutions of double point singularities of surfaces.

Alberto Calabri, Rita Ferraro (2002)

Collectanea Mathematica

Locally analytically, any isolated double point occurs as a double cover of a smooth surface. It can be desingularized explicitly via the canonical resolution, as it is very well-known. In this paper we explicitly compute the fundamental cycle of both the canonical and minimal resolution of a double point singularity and we classify those for which the fundamental cycle differs from the fiber cycle. Moreover we compute the conditions that a double point singularity imposes to pluricanonical systems....

Families of differential forms on complex spaces

Vincenzo Ancona, Bernard Gaveau (2003)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

On every reduced complex space X we construct a family of complexes of soft sheaves Λ X ; each of them is a resolution of the constant sheaf X and induces the ordinary De Rham complex of differential forms on a dense open analytic subset of X . The construction is functorial (in a suitable sense). Moreover each of the above complexes can fully describe the mixed Hodge structure of Deligne on a compact algebraic variety.

Families of smooth curves on surface singularities and wedges

Gérard Gonzalez-Sprinberg, Monique Lejeune-Jalabert (1997)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Following the study of the arc structure of singularities, initiated by J. Nash, we give criteria for the existence of smooth curves on a surface singularity (S,O) and of smooth branches of its generic hypersurface section. The main applications are the following: the existence of a natural partition of the set of smooth curves on (S,O) into families, a description of each of them by means of chains of infinitely near points and their associated maximal cycle and the existence of smooth curves on...

Feuilletages holomorphes singuliers sur les surfaces contenant une coquille sphérique globale

Franz Kohler (1995)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

En résumé, on retiendra que seules les surfaces d’Inoue-Hirzebruch et les surfaces génériques admettent un feuilletage holomorphe. Sur les surfaces d’Inoue-Hirzebruch il existe exactement deux feuilletages et sur les surfaces génériques au plus un. Le lieu singulier de la réunion des courbes rationnelles coïncide avec le lieu singulier du feuilletage. Les courbes rationnelles sont des feuilles en dehors des points singuliers du feuilletage.

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 785