Higher order modular forms and mixed Hodge theory
We attach a limit mixed Hodge structure to any polynomial map . The equivariant Hodge numbers of this mixed Hodge structure are invariants of which reflect its asymptotic behaviour. We compute them for a generic class of polynomials in terms of equivariant Hodge numbers attached to isolated hypersurface singularities and equivariant Hodge numbers of cyclic coverings of projective space branched along a hypersurface. We show how these invariants allow to determine topological invariants of such...
Based on some analogies with the Hodge theory of isolated hypersurface singularities, we define Hodge–type numerical invariants of any, not necessarily algebraic, link in a three–sphere. We call them H–numbers. They contain the same amount of information as the (non degenerate part of the) real Seifert matrix. We study their basic properties, and we express the Tristram–Levine signatures and the higher order Alexander polynomial in terms of them. Motivated by singularity theory, we also introduce...
We prove that every holomorphic bijection of a quasi-projective algebraic set onto itself is a biholomorphism. This solves the problem posed in [CR].
We are interested on families of formal power series in parameterized by (). If every is a polynomial whose degree is bounded by a linear function ( for some and ) then the family is either convergent or the series for all except a pluri-polar set. Generalizations of these results are provided for formal objects associated to germs of diffeomorphism (formal power series, formal meromorphic functions, etc.). We are interested on describing the nature of the set of parameters where...
Let be a holomorphic foliation by curves on . We treat the case where the set consists of disjoint regular curves and some isolated points outside of them. In this situation, using Baum-Bott’s formula and Porteuos’theorem, we determine the number of isolated singularities, counted with multiplicities, in terms of the degree of , the multiplicity of along the curves and the degree and genus of the curves.
We recall first Mather's Lemma providing effective necessary and sufficient conditions for a connected submanifold to be contained in an orbit. We show that two homogeneous polynomials having isomorphic Milnor algebras are right-equivalent.
Homology with values in a connection with possibly irregular singular points on an algebraic curve is defined, generalizing homology with values in the underlying local system for a connection with regular singular points. Integration defines a perfect pairing between de Rham cohomology with values in the connection and homology with values in the dual connection.
We give an algebraic description of (wave) fronts that appear in strictly hyperbolic Cauchy problems. A concrete form of a defining function of the wave front issued from the initial algebraic variety is obtained with the aid of Gauss-Manin systems satisfied by Leray's residues.
Let be a bounded symmetric domain in and an irreducible arithmetic lattice which operates freely on . We prove that the cusp–compactification of is hyperbolic.
There are several topological spaces associated to a complex hyperplane arrangement: the complement and its boundary manifold, as well as the Milnor fiber and its own boundary. All these spaces are related in various ways, primarily by a set of interlocking fibrations. We use cohomology with coefficients in rank local systems on the complement of the arrangement to gain information on the homology of the other three spaces, and on the monodromy operators of the various fibrations.
Soit un germe en de 1-forme différentielle holomorphe, satisfaisant la condition d’intégrabilité et non dicritique, i.e. sur toute surface non intégrale de , on ne peut tracer, au voisinage de 0, qu’un nombre fini de germes de courbes analytiques , intégrales de , avec . Alors possède un germe d’hypersurface analytique intégrale.