Positive solutions of quasilinear elliptic systems with strong dependence on the gradient.
We study the problem of prescribing a fourth order conformal invariant on higher dimensional spheres. Particular attention is paid to the blow-up points, i.e. the critical points at infinity of the corresponding variational problem. Using topological tools and a careful analysis of the gradient flow lines in the neighborhood of such critical points at infinity, we prove some existence results.
Some solutions are obtained for a class of singular semilinear elliptic equations with critical weighted Hardy-Sobolev exponents by variational methods and some analysis techniques.
This paper treats nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems of the form (1) L[u] = p(x,u) in , on ∂Ω in the Sobolev space , where L is any selfadjoint strongly elliptic linear differential operator of order 2m. Using both topological degree arguments and minimax methods we obtain existence and multiplicity results for the above problem.
A family of linear homogeneous 4th order elliptic differential operators with real constant coefficients, and bounded nonsmooth convex domains are constructed in so that the have no constant coefficient coercive integro-differential quadratic forms over the Sobolev spaces .
Let D₀=x∈ ℝ²: 0<|x|<1 be the unit punctured disk. We consider the first eigenvalue λ₁(ρ ) of the problem Δ² u =λ ρ u in D₀ with Dirichlet boundary condition, where ρ is an arbitrary function that takes only two given values 0 < α < β and is subject to the constraint for a fixed 0 < γ < |D₀|. We will be concerned with the minimization problem ρ ↦ λ₁(ρ). We show that, under suitable conditions on α, β and γ, the minimizer does not inherit the radial symmetry of the domain.