Comportements asymptotiques des solutions d'équations paraboliques dégénénées sous des conditions optimales sur la donnée initiale
The paper presents the results of numerical solution of the evolution law for the constrained mean-curvature flow. This law originates in the theory of phase transitions for crystalline materials and describes the evolution of closed embedded curves with constant enclosed area. It is reformulated by means of the direct method into the system of degenerate parabolic partial differential equations for the curve parametrization. This system is solved numerically and several computational studies are...
The paper presents the results of numerical solution of the Allen-Cahn equation with a non-local term. This equation originally mentioned by Rubinstein and Sternberg in 1992 is related to the mean-curvature flow with the constraint of constant volume enclosed by the evolving curve. We study this motion approximately by the mentioned PDE, generalize the problem by including anisotropy and discuss the computational results obtained.
We consider the Cauchy problem for degenerate parabolic equations with variable coefficients. The equation has nonlinear convective term and degenerate diffusion term which depends on the spatial and time variables. In this paper, we prove the continuous dependence for entropy solutions in the space BV to the problem not only initial function but also all coefficients.
We consider the general parabolic equation : in with
We consider a degenerate parabolic system which models the evolution of nematic liquid crystal with variable degree of orientation. The system is a slight modification to that proposed in [Calderer et al., SIAM J. Math. Anal.33 (2002) 1033–1047], which is a special case of Ericksen's general continuum model in [Ericksen, Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.113 (1991) 97–120]. We prove the global existence of weak solutions by passing to the limit in a regularized system. Moreover, we propose a practical...
We consider the initial value problem for degenerate viscous and inviscid scalar conservation laws where the flux function depends on the spatial location through a “rough” coefficient function . We show that the Engquist-Osher (and hence all monotone) finite difference approximations converge to the unique entropy solution of the governing equation if, among other demands, is in , thereby providing alternative (new) existence proofs for entropy solutions of degenerate convection-diffusion equations...
We consider the initial value problem for degenerate viscous and inviscid scalar conservation laws where the flux function depends on the spatial location through a "rough"coefficient function k(x). We show that the Engquist-Osher (and hence all monotone) finite difference approximations converge to the unique entropy solution of the governing equation if, among other demands, k' is in BV, thereby providing alternative (new) existence proofs for entropy solutions of degenerate convection-diffusion...
We prove that the entropy solutions of the so-called relativistic heat equation converge to solutions of the heat equation as the speed of light c tends to ∞ for any initial condition u0 ≥ 0 in L1(RN) ∩ L∞(RN).
We classify the global behavior of weak solutions of the Keller-Segel system of degenerate and nondegenerate type. For the stronger degeneracy, the weak solution exists globally in time and has a uniform time decay under some extra conditions. If the degeneracy is weaker, the solution exhibits a finite time blow up if the data is nonnegative. The situation is very similar to the semilinear case. Some additional discussion is also presented.