Central schemes and contact discontinuities
We introduce a family of new second-order Godunov-type central schemes for one-dimensional systems of conservation laws. They are a less dissipative generalization of the central-upwind schemes, proposed in [A. Kurganov et al., submitted to SIAM J. Sci. Comput.], whose construction is based on the maximal one-sided local speeds of propagation. We also present a recipe, which helps to improve the resolution of contact waves. This is achieved by using the partial characteristic decomposition,...
We present a family of high-order, essentially non-oscillatory, central schemes for approximating solutions of hyperbolic systems of conservation laws. These schemes are based on a new centered version of the Weighed Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO) reconstruction of point-values from cell-averages, which is then followed by an accurate approximation of the fluxes via a natural continuous extension of Runge-Kutta solvers. We explicitly construct the third and fourth-order scheme and demonstrate...
We present one- and two-dimensional central-upwind schemes for approximating solutions of the Saint-Venant system with source terms due to bottom topography. The Saint-Venant system has steady-state solutions in which nonzero flux gradients are exactly balanced by the source terms. It is a challenging problem to preserve this delicate balance with numerical schemes. Small perturbations of these states are also very difficult to compute. Our approach is based on extending semi-discrete central schemes...
We present one- and two-dimensional central-upwind schemes for approximating solutions of the Saint-Venant system with source terms due to bottom topography. The Saint-Venant system has steady-state solutions in which nonzero flux gradients are exactly balanced by the source terms. It is a challenging problem to preserve this delicate balance with numerical schemes. Small perturbations of these states are also very difficult to compute. Our approach is based on extending semi-discrete central...
Sufficient and necessary conditions for the existence and uniqueness of classical solutions to the Cauchy problem for the scalar conservation law are found in the class of discontinuous initial data and non-convex flux function. Regularity of rarefaction waves starting from discontinuous initial data and their dependence on the flux function are investigated and illustrated in a few examples.
We are concerned with a strictly hyperbolic system of conservation laws ut + f(u)x = 0, where u runs in a region Ω of Rp, such that two of the characteristic fields are genuinely non-linear whereas the other ones are of Blake Temple's type. We begin with the case p = 3 and show, under more or less technical assumptions, that the approximate solutions (uε)ε>0 given either by the vanishing viscosity method or by the Godunov scheme converge to weak entropy solutions as ε goes to 0. The first...
This paper concerns numerical methods for two-phase flows. The governing equations are the compressible 2-velocity, 2-pressure flow model. Pressure and velocity relaxation are included as source terms. Results obtained by a Godunov-type central scheme and a Roe-type upwind scheme are presented. Issues of preservation of pressure equilibrium, and positivity of the partial densities are addressed.
This paper concerns numerical methods for two-phase flows. The governing equations are the compressible 2-velocity, 2-pressure flow model. Pressure and velocity relaxation are included as source terms. Results obtained by a Godunov-type central scheme and a Roe-type upwind scheme are presented. Issues of preservation of pressure equilibrium, and positivity of the partial densities are addressed.
We consider models based on conservation laws. For the optimization of such systems, a sensitivity analysis is essential to determine how changes in the decision variables influence the objective function. Here we study the sensitivity with respect to the initial data of objective functions that depend upon the solution of Riemann problems with piecewise linear flux functions. We present representations for the one–sided directional derivatives of the objective functions. The results can be used...
We consider models based on conservation laws. For the optimization of such systems, a sensitivity analysis is essential to determine how changes in the decision variables influence the objective function. Here we study the sensitivity with respect to the initial data of objective functions that depend upon the solution of Riemann problems with piecewise linear flux functions. We present representations for the one–sided directional derivatives of the objective functions. The results can be used...
In this paper we analyze the consistency, the accuracy and some entropy properties of particle methods with remeshing in the case of a scalar one-dimensional conservation law. As in [G.-H. Cottet and L. Weynans, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 343 (2006) 51–56] we re-write particle methods with remeshing in the finite-difference formalism. This allows us to prove the consistency of these methods, and accuracy properties related to the accuracy of interpolation kernels. Cottet and Magni devised recently...
In this paper we analyze the consistency, the accuracy and some entropy properties of particle methods with remeshing in the case of a scalar one-dimensional conservation law. As in [G.-H. Cottet and L. Weynans, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 343 (2006) 51–56] we re-write particle methods with remeshing in the finite-difference formalism. This allows us to prove the consistency of these methods, and accuracy properties related to the accuracy of...