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Effective computation of restoring force vector in finite element method

Martin Balazovjech, Ladislav Halada (2007)


We introduce a new way of computation of time dependent partial differential equations using hybrid method FEM in space and FDM in time domain and explicit computational scheme. The key idea is quick transformation of standard basis functions into new simple basis functions. This new way is used for better computational efficiency. We explain this way of computation on an example of elastodynamic equation using quadrilateral elements. However, the method can be used for more types of elements and...

Elastic wave equation

Yves Colin de Verdière (2006/2007)

Séminaire de théorie spectrale et géométrie

The goal of this talk is to describe the Lamé operator which drives the propagation of linear elastic waves. The main motivation for me is the work I have done in collaboration with Michel Campillo’s group from LGIT (Grenoble) on passive imaging in seismology. From this work, several mathematical problems emerged: equipartition of energy between S - and P - waves, high frequency description of surface waves in a stratified medium and related inverse spectral problems.We discuss the following topics:What...

Elastic wave propagation in parallel: the Huygens' approach.

Javier Sabadell (2002)

Revista Matemática Complutense

The use of parallel computers makes it feasible to simulate elastic waves throughout large heterogeneous structures, and new domain decomposition methods can be used to increase their efficiency and decrease the computing time spent in the simulation. In this paper we introduce a simple parallel algorithm for the propagation of elastic waves in complex heterogeneous media after a finite element discretization. This method performs more efficiently than classic domain decomposition techniques based...

Enlarged Asymptotic Compensation in Discrete Distributed Systems

L. Afifi, M. Hakam, M. Bahadi, A. El Jai (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

This work concerns an enlarged analysis of the problem of asymptotic compensation for a class of discrete linear distributed systems. We study the possibility of asymptotic compensation of a disturbance by bringing asymptotically the observation in a given tolerance zone 𝒞. Under convenient hypothesis, we show the existence and the unicity of the optimal control ensuring this compensation and we give its characterization

Équation des ondes amorties dans un domaine extérieur

Moez Khenissi (2003)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

On étudie la position des pôles de diffusion du problème de Dirichlet pour l’équation des ondes amorties du type t 2 - Δ + a ( x ) t dans un domaine extérieur. Sous la condition du « contrôle géométrique extérieur », on déduit alors le comportement des solutions en grand temps. On calcule en particulier le meilleur taux de décroissance de l’énergie locale en dimension impaire d’espace.

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