The 3D navier-stokes equations seen as a perturbation of the 2D navier-stokes equations
We assume that is a weak solution to the non-steady Navier-Stokes initial-boundary value problem that satisfies the strong energy inequality in its domain and the Prodi-Serrin integrability condition in the neighborhood of the boundary. We show the consequences for the regularity of near the boundary and the connection with the interior regularity of an associated pressure and the time derivative of .
We consider the homogeneous time-dependent Oseen system in the whole space . The initial data is assumed to behave as , and its gradient as , when tends to infinity, where is a fixed positive number. Then we show that the velocity decays according to the equation , and its spatial gradient decreases with the rate , for tending to infinity, uniformly with respect to the time variable . Since these decay rates are optimal even in the stationary case, they should also be the best possible...
We prove the existence of a weak solution and of a strong solution (locally in time) of the equations which govern the motion of viscous incompressible non-homogeneous fluids. Then we discuss the decay problem.
We investigate the inviscid limit for the stationary Navier-Stokes equations in a two dimensional bounded domain with slip boundary conditions admitting nontrivial inflow across the boundary. We analyze admissible regularity of the boundary necessary to obtain convergence to a solution of the Euler system. The main result says that the boundary of the domain must be at least C²-piecewise smooth with possible interior angles between regular components less than π.
One shows that the linearized Navier-Stokes equation in , around an unstable equilibrium solution is exponentially stabilizable in probability by an internal noise controller , , where are independent Brownian motions in a probability space and is a system of functions on with support in an arbitrary open subset . The stochastic control input is found in feedback form. One constructs also a tangential boundary noise controller which exponentially stabilizes in probability the equilibrium...
One shows that the linearized Navier-Stokes equation in , around an unstable equilibrium solution is exponentially stabilizable in probability by an internal noise controller , , where are independent Brownian motions in a probability space and is a system of functions on with support in an arbitrary open subset . The stochastic control input is found in feedback form. One constructs also a tangential boundary noise controller which exponentially stabilizes in probability the equilibrium solution. ...
In this article we prove for the existence of the -Helmholtz projection in finite cylinders . More precisely, is considered to be given as the Cartesian product of a cube and a bounded domain having -boundary. Adapting an approach of Farwig (2003), operator-valued Fourier series are used to solve a related partial periodic weak Neumann problem. By reflection techniques the weak Neumann problem in is solved, which implies existence and a representation of the -Helmholtz projection as...
We formulate the Leray problem for inhomogeneous fluids in two dimensions and outline the proof of the existence of a solution. There are two kinds of results depending on whether the given value for the density is a continuous function or only an function. In the former case, the given densities are attained in the sense of uniform convergence and in the latter with respect to weak-* convergence.
The mathematical theory of the passage from compressible to incompressible fluid flow is reviewed.
The mathematical theory of the passage from compressible to incompressible fluid flow is reviewed.
We deal with the steady Stokes problem, associated with a flow of a viscous incompressible fluid through a spatially periodic profile cascade. Using the reduction to domain , which represents one spatial period, the problem is formulated by means of boundary conditions of three types: the conditions of periodicity on curves and (lower and upper parts of ), the Dirichlet boundary conditions on (the inflow) and (boundary of the profile) and an artificial “do nothing”-type boundary condition...
We consider a free boundary value problem for a viscous, incompressible fluid contained in an uncovered three-dimensional rectangular channel, with gravity and surface tension, governed by the Navier-Stokes equations. We obtain existence results for the linear and nonlinear time-dependent problem. We analyse the qualitative behavior of the flow using tools of bifurcation theory. The main result is a Hopf bifurcation theorem with -symmetry.
We formulate a boundary value problem for the Navier-Stokes equations with prescribed u·n, curl u·n and alternatively (∂u/∂n)·n or curl²u·n on the boundary. We deal with the question of existence of a steady weak solution.