Scalar-flat Kähler metrics with SU (2) symmetry.
Novikov-Veselov equation is a (2+1)-dimensional analog of the classic Korteweg-de Vries equation integrable via the inverse scattering translform for the 2-dimensional stationary Schrödinger equation. In this talk we present some recent results on existence and absence of algebraically localized solitons for the Novikov-Veselov equation as well as some results on the large time behavior of the “inverse scattering solutions” for this equation.
In the present paper, we construct a particular class of solutions of the sine-Gordon equation, which is the exact analogue of the so-called negatons, a solution class of the Korteweg-de Vries equation discussed by Matveev [17] and Rasinariu et al. [21]. Their characteristic properties are: Each solution consists of a finite number of clusters. Roughly speaking, in such a cluster solitons are grouped around a center, and the distance between two of them grows logarithmically. The clusters themselves...
Presentiamo nuovi risultati di esistenza e molteplicità di soluzioni periodiche di piccola ampiezza per equazioni alle derivate parziali Hamiltoniane. Otteniamo soluzioni periodiche di equazioni «completamente risonanti» aventi nonlinearità generali grazie ad una riduzione di tipo Lyapunov-Schmidt variazionale ed usando argomenti di min-max. Per equazioni «non risonanti» dimostriamo l'esistenza di soluzioni periodiche di tipo Birkhoff-Lewis, mediante un'opportuna forma normale di Birkhoff e realizzando...
Two new applications of -representations of PDEs are presented: 1. Geometric algorithms for numerical integration of PDEs by constructing planimetric discrete nets on the Lobachevsky plane . 2. Employing -representations for the spectral-evolutionary problem for nonlinear PDEs within the inverse scattering problem method.
This text deals with inverse spectral theory in a semiclassical setting. Given a quantum system, the haunting question is “What interesting quantities can be discovered on the spectrum that can help to characterize the system ?” The general framework will be semiclassical analysis, and the issue is to recover the classical dynamics from the quantum spectrum. The coupling of a spin and an oscillator is a fundamental example in physics where some nontrivial explicit calculations can be done.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35B35, 35B40, 35Q35, 76B25, 76E30.This paper concerns the orbital stability and instability of solitary waves of the system of coupling equations of Benjamin-Bona-Mahony type. By applying the abstract results of Grillakis, Shatah and Strauss and detailed spectral analysis, we obtain the existence and stability of the solitary waves.Partially Supported by Grant MM-810/98 of MESC and by Scientefic Research Grant 19/12.03.2003 of Shumen University.