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On the Range and the Kernel of Derivations

Bouali, Said, Bouhafsi, Youssef (2006)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 47B47, 47B10; Secondary 47A30.Let H be a separable infinite dimensional complex Hilbert space and let L(H) denote the algebra of all bounded linear operators on H into itself. Given A ∈ L(H), the derivation δA : L(H)→ L(H) is defined by δA(X) = AX-XA. In this paper we prove that if A is an n-multicyclic hyponormal operator and T is hyponormal such that AT = TA, then || δA(X)+T|| ≥ ||T|| for all X ∈ L(H). We establish the same inequality if A is...

On the range of a Jordan *-derivation

Péter Battyányi (1996)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper, we examine some questions concerned with certain ``skew'' properties of the range of a Jordan *-derivation. In the first part we deal with the question, for example, when the range of a Jordan *-derivation is a complex subspace. The second part of this note treats a problem in relation to the range of a generalized Jordan *-derivation.

On the range of a normal Jordan * -derivation

Lajos Molnár (1994)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this note, by means of the spectrum of the generating operator, we characterize the self-adjointness and closedness of the range of a normal and a self-adjoint Jordan *-derivation, respectively.

On the range-kernel orthogonality of elementary operators

Said Bouali, Youssef Bouhafsi (2015)

Mathematica Bohemica

Let L ( H ) denote the algebra of operators on a complex infinite dimensional Hilbert space H . For A , B L ( H ) , the generalized derivation δ A , B and the elementary operator Δ A , B are defined by δ A , B ( X ) = A X - X B and Δ A , B ( X ) = A X B - X for all X L ( H ) . In this paper, we exhibit pairs ( A , B ) of operators such that the range-kernel orthogonality of δ A , B holds for the usual operator norm. We generalize some recent results. We also establish some theorems on the orthogonality of the range and the kernel of Δ A , B with respect to the wider class of unitarily invariant norms on...

Once more on positive commutators

Roman Drnovšek (2012)

Studia Mathematica

Let A and B be bounded operators on a Banach lattice E such that the commutator C = AB - BA and the product BA are positive operators. If the product AB is a power-compact operator, then C is a quasi-nilpotent operator having a triangularizing chain of closed ideals of E. This answers an open question posed by Bračič et al. [Positivity 14 (2010)], where the study of positive commutators of positive operators was initiated.

Operator Lipschitz functions on Banach spaces

Jan Rozendaal, Fedor Sukochev, Anna Tomskova (2016)

Studia Mathematica

Let X, Y be Banach spaces and let (X,Y) be the space of bounded linear operators from X to Y. We develop the theory of double operator integrals on (X,Y) and apply this theory to obtain commutator estimates of the form | | f ( B ) S - S f ( A ) | | ( X , Y ) c o n s t | | B S - S A | | ( X , Y ) for a large class of functions f, where A ∈ (X), B ∈ (Y) are scalar type operators and S ∈ (X,Y). In particular, we establish this estimate for f(t): = |t| and for diagonalizable operators on X = p and Y = q for p < q. We also study the estimate above in the setting of Banach ideals...

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