Tempered subgroups and representations with minimal decay of matrix coefficients
Answering a question of Smale, we prove that the space of C 1 diffeomorphisms of a compact manifold contains a residual subset of diffeomorphisms whose centralizers are trivial.
For at least 3, the Dehn functions of and are exponential. Hatcher and Vogtmann proved that they are at most exponential, and the complementary lower bound in the case was established by Bridson and Vogtmann. Handel and Mosher completed the proof by reducing the lower bound for bigger than 3 to the case . In this note we give a shorter, more direct proof of this last reduction.
In the theory of transformation groups, it is important to know what kind of isotropy subgroups of G do occur at points of the space upon which the given group G acts. In this article, for a finite group G, we prove the Equivariant Bundle Subtraction Theorem (Theorem 2.2) which allows us to construct smooth G-manifolds with prescribed isotropy subgroups around the G-fixed point sets. In Theorem 0.1, we restate Oliver's result about manifolds M and G-vector bundles over M that occur, respectively,...