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On the topology of spherically symmetric space-times

J. Szenthe (2004)

Open Mathematics

Spherically symmetric space-times have attained considerable attention ever since the early beginnings of the theory of general relativity. In fact, they have appeared already in the papers of K. Schwarzschild [12] and W. De Sitter [5] which were published in 1916 and 1917 respectively soon after Einstein's epoch-making work [7] in 1915. The present survey is concerned mainly with recent results pertainig to the toplogy of spherically symmetric space-times. Definition. By space-time a connected...

On the uniform perfectness of groups of bundle homeomorphisms

Tomasz Rybicki (2019)

Archivum Mathematicum

Groups of homeomorphisms related to locally trivial bundles are studied. It is shown that these groups are perfect. Moreover if the homeomorphism isotopy group of the base is bounded then the bundle homeomorphism group of the total space is uniformly perfect.

Orbit projections as fibrations

Armin Rainer (2009)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The orbit projection π M M / G of a proper G -manifold M is a fibration if and only if all points in M are regular. Under additional assumptions we show that π is a quasifibration if and only if all points are regular. We get a full answer in the equivariant category: π is a G -quasifibration if and only if all points are regular.

Orbit Structure of certain 2 -actions on solid torus

C. Maquera, L. F. Martins (2008)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

In this paper we describe the orbit structure of   C 2 -actions of   2   on the solid torus   S 1 × D 2   having   S 1 × { 0 }   and   S 1 × D 2   as the only compact orbits, and   S 1 × { 0 }   as singular set.

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