Packing dimensions, transversal mappings and geodesic flows.
We present several characterizations and representations of semi-complete vector fields on the open unit balls in complex Euclidean and Hilbert spaces.
We prove that the Poincaré map has at least fixed points (whose trajectories are contained inside the segment W) where the homeomorphism is given by the segment W.
Robert C. Reilly a obtenu des majorations de la première valeur propre du laplacien pour les hypersurfaces de l’espace euclidien. De plus, il a montré que le cas d’égalité dans ces majorations est atteint uniquement pour les sphères géodésiques. Dans cet exposé, nous nous intéressons au problème de pincement pour ces majorations. Nous montrons que si le cas d’égalité est presque atteint, alors l’hypersurface est proche d’une sphère, en un sens que nous préciserons. Nous déduisons ensuite des résultats...
Let be a closed surface, a compact Lie group, with Lie algebra , and a principal -bundle. In earlier work we have shown that the moduli space of central Yang-Mills connections, with reference to appropriate additional data, is stratified by smooth symplectic manifolds and that the holonomy yields a homeomorphism from onto a certain representation space , in fact a diffeomorphism, with reference to suitable smooth structures and , where denotes the universal central extension of...
We generalize the Malgrange preparation theorem to matrix valued functions satisfying the condition that vanishes to finite order at . Then we can factor near (0,0), where is inversible and is polynomial function of depending on . The preparation is (essentially) unique, up to functions vanishing to infinite order at , if we impose some additional conditions on . We also have a generalization of the division theorem, and analytic versions generalizing the Weierstrass preparation...