Nonlinear subelliptic Schrödinger equations with external magnetic field.
We extend a result of the second author [27, Theorem 1.1] to dimensions which relates the size of -norms of eigenfunctions for to the amount of -mass in shrinking tubes about unit-length geodesics. The proof uses bilinear oscillatory integral estimates of Lee [22] and a variable coefficient variant of an " removal lemma" of Tao and Vargas [35]. We also use Hörmander’s [20] oscillatory integral theorem and the Cartan–Hadamard theorem to show that, under the assumption of nonpositive curvature,...
Let be a compact Riemannian manifold and an elliptic, formally self-adjoint, conformally covariant operator of order acting on smooth sections of a bundle over . We prove that if has no rigid eigenspaces (see Definition 2.2), the set of functions for which has only simple non-zero eigenvalues is a residual set in . As a consequence we prove that if has no rigid eigenspaces for a dense set of metrics, then all non-zero eigenvalues are simple for a residual set of metrics in the -topology....
We show that, if a certain Sobolev inequality holds, then a scale-invariant elliptic Harnack inequality suffices to imply its a priori stronger parabolic counterpart. Neither the relative Sobolev inequality nor the elliptic Harnack inequality alone suffices to imply the parabolic Harnack inequality in question; both are necessary conditions. As an application, we show the equivalence between parabolic Harnack inequality for on , (i.e., for ) and elliptic Harnack inequality for on .
We study the problem of prescribing a fourth order conformal invariant on higher dimensional spheres. Particular attention is paid to the blow-up points, i.e. the critical points at infinity of the corresponding variational problem. Using topological tools and a careful analysis of the gradient flow lines in the neighborhood of such critical points at infinity, we prove some existence results.
La méthode de « recollement » permettant de trouver des solutions des équations des contraintes relativistes est décrite. En particulier, on expose la méthode de Corvino-Schoen pour construire des familles de solutions sur une variété non-compacte avec géométrie prescrite sur un bout asymptotique, en insistant sur le recollement « non-localisé ». Une liste de résultats obtenus par divers auteurs à partir de telles techniques est alors fournie, incluant la question du recollement de métriques...
We show, using a direct variational approach, that the second boundary value problem for the Monge-Ampère equation in with exponential non-linearity and target a convex body is solvable iff is the barycenter of Combined with some toric geometry this confirms, in particular, the (generalized) Yau-Tian-Donaldson conjecture for toric log Fano varieties saying that admits a (singular) Kähler-Einstein metric iff it is K-stable in the algebro-geometric sense. We thus obtain a new proof and...
We report on results we recently obtained in Hebey and Thizy [11, 12] for critical stationary Kirchhoff systems in closed manifolds. Let be a closed -manifold, . The critical Kirchhoff systems we consider are written asfor all , where is the Laplace-Beltrami operator, is a -map from into the space of symmetric matrices with real entries, the ’s are the components of , , is the Euclidean norm of , is the critical Sobolev exponent, and we require that in for all . We...
We describe the recent joint work of the author with David M. J. Calderbank and Paul Gauduchon on refined Kato inequalities for sections of vector bundles living in the kernel of natural first-order elliptic operators.
Consider a flat symplectic manifold , , admitting a metaplectic structure. We prove that the symplectic twistor operator maps the eigenvectors of the symplectic Dirac operator, that are not symplectic Killing spinors, to the eigenvectors of the symplectic Rarita-Schwinger operator. If is an eigenvalue of the symplectic Dirac operator such that is not a symplectic Killing number, then is an eigenvalue of the symplectic Rarita-Schwinger operator.