Displaying 241 – 260 of 433

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Pseudo-laplaciens. I

Yves Colin de Verdière (1982)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On construit, sur une variété riemannienne X de dimension 2 ou 3 , les extensions autoadjointes Δ α , x 0 ( α R / π Z ) de la restriction du laplacien aux fonctions nulles au voisinage d’un point x 0 de X . On calcule explicitement les valeurs propres de Δ α , x 0 .

Pseudo-laplaciens II

Yves Colin de Verdière (1983)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Dans cet article, nous étudions une famille d’opérateurs auto-adjoints Δ a dérivés du laplacien sur une surface de Riemann d’aire finie et ayant au voisinage de l’infini la structure d’un cylindre [ b , + [ × R / Z muni d’une métrique à courbure constante - 1 . Après avoir étudié la théorie spectrale de tels opérateurs, nous donnons, comme application, un théorème prévoyant l’absence générique de valeurs propres immergées dans le spectre continu du laplacien de ces surfaces. Nous montrons enfin comment ceci permet de...

Quasilinear waves and trapping: Kerr-de Sitter space

Peter Hintz, András Vasy (2014)

Journées Équations aux dérivées partielles

In these notes, we will describe recent work on globally solving quasilinear wave equations in the presence of trapped rays, on Kerr-de Sitter space, and obtaining the asymptotic behavior of solutions. For the associated linear problem without trapping, one would consider a global, non-elliptic, Fredholm framework; in the presence of trapping the same framework is available for spaces of growing functions only. In order to solve the quasilinear problem we thus combine these frameworks with the normally...

Recovering quantum graphs from their Bloch spectrum

Ralf Rueckriemen (2013)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We define the Bloch spectrum of a quantum graph to be the map that assigns to each element in the deRham cohomology the spectrum of an associated magnetic Schrödinger operator. We show that the Bloch spectrum determines the Albanese torus, the block structure and the planarity of the graph. It determines a geometric dual of a planar graph. This enables us to show that the Bloch spectrum indentifies and completely determines planar 3 -connected quantum graphs.

Relation of the spectra of symplectic Rarita-Schwinger and Dirac operators on flat symplectic manifolds

Svatopluk Krýsl (2007)

Archivum Mathematicum

Consider a flat symplectic manifold ( M 2 l , ω ) , l 2 , admitting a metaplectic structure. We prove that the symplectic twistor operator maps the eigenvectors of the symplectic Dirac operator, that are not symplectic Killing spinors, to the eigenvectors of the symplectic Rarita-Schwinger operator. If λ is an eigenvalue of the symplectic Dirac operator such that - ı l λ is not a symplectic Killing number, then l - 1 l λ is an eigenvalue of the symplectic Rarita-Schwinger operator.

Resolvent at low energy and Riesz transform for Schrödinger operators on asymptotically conic manifolds. II

Colin Guillarmou, Andrew Hassell (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let M be a complete noncompact manifold of dimension at least 3 and g an asymptotically conic metric on M , in the sense that M compactifies to a manifold with boundary M so that g becomes a scattering metric on M . We study the resolvent kernel ( P + k 2 ) - 1 and Riesz transform T of the operator P = Δ g + V , where Δ g is the positive Laplacian associated to g and V is a real potential function smooth on M and vanishing at the boundary.In our first paper we assumed that P has neither zero modes nor a zero-resonance and showed...


Yves Colin de Verdière (1984/1985)

Séminaire de théorie spectrale et géométrie

Currently displaying 241 – 260 of 433