Stabile Mehrschichtverfahren für parabolische Evolutionsgleichungen.
We consider here the Interior Penalty Discontinuous Galerkin (IPDG) discretization of the wave equation. We show how to derive the optimal penalization parameter involved in this method in the case of regular meshes. Moreover, we provide necessary stability conditions of the global scheme when IPDG is coupled with the classical Leap–Frog scheme for the time discretization. Numerical experiments illustrate the fact that these conditions are also sufficient.
This paper is concerned with the stability analysis of the space-time discontinuous Galerkin method for the solution of nonstationary, nonlinear, convection-diffusion problems. In the formulation of the numerical scheme we use the nonsymmetric, symmetric and incomplete versions of the discretization of diffusion terms and interior and boundary penalty. Then error estimates are briefly characterized. The main attention is paid to the investigation of unconditional stability of the method. Theoretical...
We show stability and consistency of the linear semi-implicit complementary volume numerical scheme for solving the regularized, in the sense of Evans and Spruck, mean curvature flow equation in the level set formulation. The numerical method is based on the finite volume methodology using the so-called complementary volumes to a finite element triangulation. The scheme gives the solution in an efficient and unconditionally stable way.
We analyze two numerical schemes of Euler type in time and C0 finite-element type with -approximation in space for solving a phase-field model of a binary alloy with thermal properties. This model is written as a highly non-linear parabolic system with three unknowns: phase-field, solute concentration and temperature, where the diffusion for the temperature and solute concentration may degenerate. The first scheme is nonlinear, unconditionally stable and convergent. The other scheme is linear...
We consider a generalized 1-D von Foerster equation. We present two discretization methods for the initial value problem and study stability of finite difference schemes on regular meshes.
The stability of flat interfaces with respect to a spatial semidiscretization of a solidification model is analyzed. The considered model is the quasi-static approximation of the Stefan problem with dynamical Gibbs–Thomson law. The stability analysis bases on an argument developed by Mullins and Sekerka for the undiscretized case. The obtained stability properties differ from those with respect to the quasi-static model for certain parameter values and relatively coarse meshes. Moreover, consequences...
The stability of flat interfaces with respect to a spatial semidiscretization of a solidification model is analyzed. The considered model is the quasi-static approximation of the Stefan problem with dynamical Gibbs–Thomson law. The stability analysis bases on an argument developed by Mullins and Sekerka for the undiscretized case. The obtained stability properties differ from those with respect to the quasi-static model for certain parameter values and relatively coarse meshes. Moreover,...
Taking the cue from stabilized Galerkin methods for scalar advection problems, we adapt the technique to boundary value problems modeling the advection of magnetic fields. We provide rigorous a priori error estimates for both fully discontinuous piecewise polynomial trial functions and -conforming finite elements.