Équations de Schrödinger avec potentiels singuliers et à longue portée dans l'approximation de liaison forte
We prove a microlocal version of the equidistribution theorem for Wigner distributions associated to cusp forms on . This generalizes a recent result of W. Luo and P. Sarnak who prove equidistribution on .
The main object of this work is to describe such weight functions w(t) that for all elements the estimate is valid with a constant K(Ω), which does not depend on f and it grows to infinity when the domain Ω shrinks, i.e. deforms into a lower dimensional convex set . In one-dimensional case means that as σ → 0. It should be noted that in the framework of the signal transmission problem such estimates describe a signal’s behavior under the influence of detection and amplification. This work...
The author constructs the gauged Skyrme model by introducing the skyrmion bundle as follows: instead of considering maps he thinks of the meson fields as of global sections in a bundle . For calculations within the skyrmion bundle the author introduces by means of the so-called equivariant cohomology an analogue of the topological charge and the Wess-Zumino term. The final result of this paper is the following Theorem. For the skyrmion bundle with , one has where is the universal bundle...
The original version of the article was published in Central European Journal of Mathematics, 2008, 6(2), 191–203, DOI: 10.2478/s11533-008-0026-8. Unfortunately, the original version of this article contains a mistake, which we correct here.
The Coupled Cluster (CC) method is a widely used and highly successful high precision method for the solution of the stationary electronic Schrödinger equation, with its practical convergence properties being similar to that of a corresponding Galerkin (CI) scheme. This behaviour has for the discrete CC method been analyzed with respect to the discrete Galerkin solution (the “full-CI-limit”) in [Schneider, 2009]. Recently, we globalized the CC formulation to the full continuous space, giving a root...
We give a condition of essential self-adjointness for magnetic Schrödinger operators on non-compact Riemannian manifolds with a given positive smooth measure which is fixed independently of the metric. This condition is related to the classical completeness of a related classical hamiltonian without magnetic field. The main result generalizes the result by I. Oleinik [29,30,31], a shorter and more transparent proof of which was provided by the author in [41]. The main idea, as in [41], consists...