Displaying 61 – 80 of 498

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Algebraic connectivity of k -connected graphs

Stephen J. Kirkland, Israel Rocha, Vilmar Trevisan (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let G be a k -connected graph with k 2 . A hinge is a subset of k vertices whose deletion from G yields a disconnected graph. We consider the algebraic connectivity and Fiedler vectors of such graphs, paying special attention to the signs of the entries in Fiedler vectors corresponding to vertices in a hinge, and to vertices in the connected components at a hinge. The results extend those in Fiedler’s papers Algebraic connectivity of graphs (1973), A property of eigenvectors of nonnegative symmetric...

An eigenvector pattern arising in non linear regression.

Carles Maria Cuadras (1990)


Let A = (aij) be an n x n matrix defined by aij = aji = i, i = 1,...,n. This paper gives some elementary properties of A and other related matrices. The eigenstructure of A is conjectured: given an eigenvector v of A the remaining eigenvectors are obtained by permuting up to sign the components of v. This problem arises in a distance based method applied to non linear regression.

An envelope for the spectrum of a matrix

Panayiotis Psarrakos, Michael Tsatsomeros (2012)

Open Mathematics

We introduce and study an envelope-type region ɛ(A) in the complex plane that contains the eigenvalues of a given n×n complex matrix A. ɛ(A) is the intersection of an infinite number of regions defined by cubic curves. The notion and method of construction of ɛ(A) extend the notion of the numerical range of A, F(A), which is known to be an intersection of an infinite number of half-planes; as a consequence, ɛ(A) is contained in F(A) and represents an improvement in localizing the spectrum of A.

An optimal matching problem

Ivar Ekeland (2005)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Given two measured spaces ( X , μ ) and ( Y , ν ) , and a third space Z , given two functions u ( x , z ) and v ( x , z ) , we study the problem of finding two maps s : X Z and t : Y Z such that the images s ( μ ) and t ( ν ) coincide, and the integral X u ( x , s ( x ) ) d μ - Y v ( y , t ( y ) ) d ν is maximal. We give condition on u and v for which there is a unique solution.

An optimal matching problem

Ivar Ekeland (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Given two measured spaces ( X , μ ) and ( Y , ν ) , and a third space Z, given two functions u(x,z) and v(x,z), we study the problem of finding two maps s : X Z and t : Y Z such that the images s ( μ ) and t ( ν ) coincide, and the integral X u ( x , s ( x ) ) d μ - Y v ( y , t ( y ) ) d ν is maximal. We give condition on u and v for which there is a unique solution.

An upper bound on the Laplacian spectral radius of the signed graphs

Hong-Hai Li, Jiong-Sheng Li (2008)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

In this paper, we established a connection between the Laplacian eigenvalues of a signed graph and those of a mixed graph, gave a new upper bound for the largest Laplacian eigenvalue of a signed graph and characterized the extremal graph whose largest Laplacian eigenvalue achieved the upper bound. In addition, an example showed that the upper bound is the best in known upper bounds for some cases.

AnS-type upper bound for the largest singular value of nonnegative rectangular tensors

Jianxing Zhao, Caili Sang (2016)

Open Mathematics

An S-type upper bound for the largest singular value of a nonnegative rectangular tensor is given by breaking N = {1, 2, … n} into disjoint subsets S and its complement. It is shown that the new upper bound is smaller than that provided by Yang and Yang (2011). Numerical examples are given to verify the theoretical results.

Approximate polynomial GCD

Eliaš, Ján, Zítko, Jan (2013)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

The computation of polynomial greatest common divisor (GCD) ranks among basic algebraic problems with many applications, for example, in image processing and control theory. The problem of the GCD computing of two exact polynomials is well defined and can be solved symbolically, for example, by the oldest and commonly used Euclid’s algorithm. However, this is an ill-posed problem, particularly when some unknown noise is applied to the polynomial coefficients. Hence, new methods for the GCD computation...

Approximating real linear operators

Marko Huhtanen, Olavi Nevanlinna (2007)

Studia Mathematica

A framework to extend the singular value decomposition of a matrix to a real linear operator : p is suggested. To this end real linear operators called operets are introduced, to have an appropriate generalization of rank-one matrices. Then, adopting the interpretation of the singular value decomposition of a matrix as providing its nearest small rank approximations, ℳ is approximated with a sum of operets.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 498