Displaying 141 – 160 of 245

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Orbit functions.

Klimyk, Anatoliy, Patera, Jiri (2006)

SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications [electronic only]

Orbit measures, random matrix theory and interlaced determinantal processes

Manon Defosseux (2010)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

A connection between representation of compact groups and some invariant ensembles of hermitian matrices is described. We focus on two types of invariant ensembles which extend the gaussian and the Laguerre Unitary ensembles. We study them using projections and convolutions of invariant probability measures on adjoint orbits of a compact Lie group. These measures are described by semiclassical approximation involving tensor and restriction multiplicities. We show that a large class of them are determinantal....

Partial flag varieties and preprojective algebras

Christof Geiß, Bernard Leclerc, Jan Schröer (2008)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let Λ be a preprojective algebra of type A , D , E , and let G be the corresponding semisimple simply connected complex algebraic group. We study rigid modules in subcategories Sub Q for Q an injective Λ -module, and we introduce a mutation operation between complete rigid modules in Sub Q . This yields cluster algebra structures on the coordinate rings of the partial flag varieties attached to  G .

Projectively equivariant quantization and symbol on supercircle S 1 | 3

Taher Bichr (2021)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let 𝒟 λ , μ be the space of linear differential operators on weighted densities from λ to μ as module over the orthosymplectic Lie superalgebra 𝔬𝔰𝔭 ( 3 | 2 ) , where λ , ł is the space of tensor densities of degree λ on the supercircle S 1 | 3 . We prove the existence and uniqueness of projectively equivariant quantization map from the space of symbols to the space of differential operators. An explicite expression of this map is also given.

Propriétés (Q) et (C). Variété commutante

Jean-Yves Charbonnel (2004)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

Soient X une variété algébrique complexe, lisse, irréductible, E et F deux espaces vectoriels complexes de dimension finie et μ un morphisme de X dans l’espace Lin ( E , F ) des applications linéaires de E dans F . Pour x X , on note E ( x ) et x · E le noyau et l’image de μ ( x ) , μ ¯ x le morphisme de X dans Lin ( E ( x ) , F / ( x · E ) ) qui associe à y l’application linéaire v μ ( y ) ( v ) + x · E . Soit i μ la dimension minimale de E ( x ) . On dit que μ ala propriété ( 𝐑 ) en x si i μ ¯ x est inférieur à i μ . Soient F * le dual de F , S ( F ) l’algèbre symétrique de F , μ l’idéal de 𝒪 X S ( F ) engendré par...

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 245