Displaying 41 – 60 of 364

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Bosons in Rapid Rotation: From the Quantum Many-Body Problem to Effective Equations

Jakob Yngvason (2008/2009)

Séminaire Équations aux dérivées partielles

One of the most interesting phenomena exhibited by ultracold quantum gases is the appearance of vortices when the gas is put in rotation. The talk will bring a survey of some recent progress in understanding this phenomenon starting from the many-body ground state of a Bose gas with short range interactions. Mathematically this amounts to describing solutions of a linear Schrödinger equation with a very large number of variables in terms of a nonlinear equation with few variables and analyzing the...

Bounds for KdV and the 1-d cubic NLS equation in rough function spaces

Herbert Koch (2011/2012)

Séminaire Laurent Schwartz — EDP et applications

We consider the cubic Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation (NLS) and the Korteweg-de Vries equation in one space dimension. We prove that the solutions of NLS satisfy a-priori local in time H s bounds in terms of the H s size of the initial data for s - 1 4 (joint work with D. Tataru, [15, 14]) , and the solutions to KdV satisfy global a priori estimate in H - 1 (joint work with T. Buckmaster [2]).

Cauchy problem for multidimensional coupled system of nonlinear Schrödinger equation and generalized IMBq equation

Chen Guowang (1998)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The existence, uniqueness and regularity of the generalized local solution and the classical local solution to the periodic boundary value problem and Cauchy problem for the multidimensional coupled system of a nonlinear complex Schrödinger equation and a generalized IMBq equation i ε t + 2 ε - u ε = 0 , u ...

Cauchy problem for the complex Ginzburg-Landau type Equation with L p -initial data

Daisuke Shimotsuma, Tomomi Yokota, Kentarou Yoshii (2014)

Mathematica Bohemica

This paper gives the local existence of mild solutions to the Cauchy problem for the complex Ginzburg-Landau type equation u t - ( λ + i α ) Δ u + ( κ + i β ) | u | q - 1 u - γ u = 0 in N × ( 0 , ) with L p -initial data u 0 in the subcritical case ( 1 q < 1 + 2 p / N ), where u is a complex-valued unknown function, α , β , γ , κ , λ > 0 , p > 1 , i = - 1 and N . The proof is based on the L p - L q estimates of the linear semigroup { exp ( t ( λ + i α ) Δ ) } and usual fixed-point argument.

Changing blow-up time in nonlinear Schrödinger equations

Rémi Carles (2003)

Journées équations aux dérivées partielles

Solutions to nonlinear Schrödinger equations may blow up in finite time. We study the influence of the introduction of a potential on this phenomenon. For a linear potential (Stark effect), the blow-up time remains unchanged, but the location of the collapse is altered. The main part of our study concerns isotropic quadratic potentials. We show that the usual (confining) harmonic potential may anticipate the blow-up time, and always does when the power of the nonlinearity is L 2 -critical. On the other...

Comportement asymptotique des solutions d’un système d’équations de Schrödinger-Poisson sur un domaine borné de 3

Amna Dabaa (2010)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

Nous étudions le comportement pour les grands temps de l’équation de Schrödinger-Poisson (NLSP) avec un terme de force extérieure supplémentaire et un terme de dissipation d’ordre zéro, la variable d’espace x étant dans un domaine borné Ω de 3 . Nous démontrons que ce comportement est décrit par un attracteur global de dimension de Hausdorff finie pour la topologie forte de H 0 1 ( Ω ) .

Control for Schrödinger operators on 2-tori: rough potentials

Jean Bourgain, Nicolas Burq, Maciej Zworski (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

For the Schrödinger equation, ( i t + ) u = 0 on a torus, an arbitrary non-empty open set Ω provides control and observability of the solution: u t = 0 L 2 ( 𝕋 2 ) K T u L 2 ( [ 0 , T ] × Ω ) . We show that the same result remains true for ( i t + - V ) u = 0 where V L 2 ( 𝕋 2 ) , and 𝕋 2 is a (rational or irrational) torus. That extends the results of [1], and [8] where the observability was proved for V C ( 𝕋 2 ) and conjectured for V L ( 𝕋 2 ) . The higher dimensional generalization remains open for V L ( 𝕋 n ) .

Controllability of a quantum particle in a 1D variable domain

Karine Beauchard (2008)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We consider a quantum particle in a 1D infinite square potential well with variable length. It is a nonlinear control system in which the state is the wave function φ of the particle and the control is the length l ( t ) of the potential well. We prove the following controllability result : given φ 0 close enough to an eigenstate corresponding to the length l = 1 and φ f close enough to another eigenstate corresponding to the length l = 1 , there exists a continuous function l : [ 0 , T ] + * with T &gt; 0 , such that l ( 0 ) = 1 and l ( T ) = 1 , and which...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 364