Displaying 21 – 40 of 76

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From Newton’s method to exotic basins Part I: The parameter space

Krzysztof Barański (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

This is the first part of the work studying the family 𝔉 of all rational maps of degree three with two superattracting fixed points. We determine the topological type of the moduli space of 𝔉 and give a detailed study of the subfamily 2 consisting of maps with a critical point which is periodic of period 2. In particular, we describe a parabolic bifurcation in 2 from Newton maps to maps with so-called exotic basins.

Infinite Iterated Function Systems Depending on a Parameter

Ludwik Jaksztas (2007)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

This paper is motivated by the problem of dependence of the Hausdorff dimension of the Julia-Lavaurs sets J 0 , σ for the map f₀(z) = z²+1/4 on the parameter σ. Using homographies, we imitate the construction of the iterated function system (IFS) whose limit set is a subset of J 0 , σ , given by Urbański and Zinsmeister. The closure of the limit set of our IFS ϕ σ , α n , k is the closure of some family of circles, and if the parameter σ varies, then the behavior of the limit set is similar to the behavior of J 0 , σ . The parameter...

Intertwined internal rays in Julia sets of rational maps

Robert L. Devaney (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We show how the well-known concept of external rays in polynomial dynamics may be extended throughout the Julia set of certain rational maps. These new types of rays, which we call internal rays, meet the Julia set in a Cantor set of points, and each of these rays crosses infinitely many other internal rays at many points. We then use this construction to show that there are infinitely many disjoint copies of the Mandelbrot set in the parameter planes for these maps.

Intertwined mappings

Jean Ecalle, Bruno Vallet (2004)

Annales de la Faculté des sciences de Toulouse : Mathématiques


Pascale Roesch (2012)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

Linearization of germs: regular dependence on the multiplier

Stefano Marmi, Carlo Carminati (2008)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

We prove that the linearization of a germ of holomorphic map of the type F λ ( z ) = λ ( z + O ( z 2 ) ) has a 𝒞 1 -holomorphic dependence on the multiplier λ . 𝒞 1 -holomorphic functions are 𝒞 1 -Whitney smooth functions, defined on compact subsets and which belong to the kernel of the ¯ operator. The linearization is analytic for | λ | 1 and the unit circle  𝕊 1 appears as a natural boundary (because of resonances,i.e.roots of unity). However the linearization is still defined at most points of  𝕊 1 , namely those points which lie “far enough from...

Méthodes de changement d’échelles en analyse complexe

François Berteloot (2006)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

Nous mettons en perspective différentes méthodes de changement d’échelles et illustrons leur pertinence en mettant sur pieds des preuves simples et élémentaires de plusieurs théorèmes biens connus en analyse ou géométrie complexe. Les situations abordées sont variées et la plupart des théorèmes démontrés sont des classiques initialement obtenus entre la fin du xixe  et la seconde moitié du xxe  siècle.

Non-recurrent meromorphic functions

Jacek Graczyk, Janina Kotus, Grzegorz Świątek (2004)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We consider a transcendental meromorphic function f belonging to the class ℬ (with bounded set of singular values). We show that if the Julia set J(f) is the whole complex plane ℂ, and the closure of the postcritical set P(f) is contained in B(0,R) ∪ {∞} and is disjoint from the set Crit(f) of critical points, then every compact and forward invariant set is hyperbolic, provided that it is disjoint from Crit(f). It is further shown, under general additional hypotheses, that f admits no measurable...

Normal forms of analytic perturbations of quasihomogeneous vector fields: Rigidity, invariant analytic sets and exponentially small approximation

Eric Lombardi, Laurent Stolovitch (2010)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

In this article, we study germs of holomorphic vector fields which are “higher order” perturbations of a quasihomogeneous vector field in a neighborhood of the origin of n , fixed point of the vector fields. We define a “Diophantine condition” on the quasihomogeneous initial part S which ensures that if such a perturbation of S is formally conjugate to S then it is also holomorphically conjugate to it. We study the normal form problem relatively to S . We give a condition on S that ensures that there...

On biaccessible points in Julia sets of polynomials

Anna Zdunik (2000)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let f be a polynomial of one complex variable so that its Julia set is connected. We show that the harmonic (Brolin) measure of the set of biaccessible points in J is zero except for the case when J is an interval.

On Fatou-Julia decompositions

Taro Asuke (2013)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

We propose a Fatou-Julia decomposition for holomorphic pseudosemigroups. It will be shown that the limit sets of finitely generated Kleinian groups, the Julia sets of mapping iterations and Julia sets of complex codimension-one regular foliations can be seen as particular cases of the decomposition. The decomposition is applied in order to introduce a Fatou-Julia decomposition for singular holomorphic foliations. In the well-studied cases, the decomposition behaves as expected.

On fixed points of holomorphic type

Ewa Ligocka (2002)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We study a linearization of a real-analytic plane map in the neighborhood of its fixed point of holomorphic type. We prove a generalization of the classical Koenig theorem. To do that, we use the well known results concerning the local dynamics of holomorphic mappings in ℂ².

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 76