Global solutions of multidimensional approximate Navier-Stokes equations of a viscous gas.
We prove small data global existence and scattering for quasilinear systems of Klein-Gordon equations with different speeds, in dimension three. As an application, we obtain a robust global stability result for the Euler-Maxwell equations for electrons.
In this note we present a proof of existence of global in time regular (unique) solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in an arbitrary three dimensional domain with a general boundary condition. The only restriction is that the L₂-norm of the initial datum is required to be sufficiently small. The magnitude of the rest of the norm is not restricted. Our considerations show the essential role played by the energy bound in proving global in time results for the Navier-Stokes equations.
The main objective of this paper is to study the global strong solution of the parabolic-hyperbolic incompressible magnetohydrodynamic model in the two dimensional space. Based on Agmon, Douglis, and Nirenberg’s estimates for the stationary Stokes equation and Solonnikov’s theorem on --estimates for the evolution Stokes equation, it is shown that this coupled magnetohydrodynamic equations possesses a global strong solution. In addition, the uniqueness of the global strong solution is obtained.
In this article we transform a large class of parabolic inverse problems into a nonclassical parabolic equation whose coefficients consist of trace type functionals of the solution and its derivatives subject to some initial and boundary conditions. For this nonclassical problem, we study finite element methods and present an immediate analysis for global superconvergence for these problems, on basis of which we obtain a posteriori error estimators.
We show the solvability of a nonlinear degenerate parabolic system of two equations describing the displacement of one compressible fluid by another, completely miscible with the first, in a one-dimensional porous medium, neglecting the molecular diffusion. We use the technique of renormalised solutions for parabolic equations in the derivation of a priori estimates for viscosity type solutions. We pass to the limit, as the molecular diffusion coefficient tends to 0, on the parabolic system, owing...
The paper contains the proof of global existence of weak solutions to the mixed initial-boundary value problem for a certain modification of a system of equations of motion of viscous compressible fluid. The modification is based on an application of an operator of regularization to some terms appearing in the system of equations and it does not contradict the laws of fluid mechanics. It is assumed that pressure is a known function of density. The method of discretization in time is used and finally,...
The concept of regularization to the complete system of Navier-Stokes equations for viscous compressible heat conductive fluid is developed. The existence of weak solutions for the initial boundary value problem for the modified equations is proved. Some energy and etropy estimates independent of the parameter of regularization are derived.
We prove the global well-posedness of the 2-D Boussinesq system with temperature dependent thermal diffusivity and zero viscosity coefficient.
A numerically inexpensive globalization strategy of sequential quadratic programming methods (SQP-methods) for control of the instationary Navier Stokes equations is investigated. Based on the proper functional analytic setting a convergence analysis for the globalized method is given. It is argued that the a priori formidable SQP-step can be decomposed into linear primal and linear adjoint systems, which is amenable for existing CFL-software. A report on a numerical test demonstrates the feasibility...
A numerically inexpensive globalization strategy of sequential quadratic programming methods (SQP-methods) for control of the instationary Navier Stokes equations is investigated. Based on the proper functional analytic setting a convergence analysis for the globalized method is given. It is argued that the a priori formidable SQP-step can be decomposed into linear primal and linear adjoint systems, which is amenable for existing CFL-software. A report on a numerical test demonstrates the feasibility...