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Étude de L ( s , χ ) / π s pour des fonctions L relatives à 𝔽 q ( ( T - 1 ) ) et associées à des caractères de degré 1

Gilles Damamme (1999)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Carlitz a défini pour les corps de fonctions l’analogue du réel π et Goss l’analogue des fonctions L de Dirichlet. Nous prouvons dans un cas particulier qu’il existe des valeurs entières s et des caractères χ pour lesquels L ( s , χ ) / π 8 peut être rationnel, algébrique ou bien transcendant.

Étude d'un idéal particulier, d'indice fini dans le carré de l'idéal d'augmentation, associé à un caractère de Dirichlet d'un groupe fini

Hassan Oukhaba, Gilles Robert (1991)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

We describe here two sets of generators of an ideal Δ ( ψ ) = M ( ψ ) , of finite index inside the square I 2 of the augmentation ideal I of [ G ] , associated to the Dirichlet character ψ of the finite group G . That peculiar ideal first appeared in questions related to the computation of class number formulas for abelian non ramified extensions of 𝒜 -fields cf. [2] and [3], satisfying certain special conditions which are outlined in the introduction of [1]. A rough idea of these formulas is given in §§2 and 6.

Euler system for Galois deformations

Tadashi Ochiai (2005)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

In this paper, we develop the Euler system theory for Galois deformations. By applying this theory to the Beilinson-Kato Euler system for Hida’s nearly ordinary modular deformations, we prove one of the inequalities predicted by the two-variable Iwasawa main conjecture. Our method of the proof of the Euler system theory is based on non-arithmetic specializations. This gives a new simplified proof of the inequality between the characteristic ideal of the Selmer group of a Galois deformation and the...

Explicit bounds for split reductions of simple abelian varieties

Jeffrey D. Achter (2012)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Let X / K be an absolutely simple abelian variety over a number field; we study whether the reductions X 𝔭 tend to be simple, too. We show that if End ( X ) is a definite quaternion algebra, then the reduction X 𝔭 is geometrically isogenous to the self-product of an absolutely simple abelian variety for 𝔭 in a set of positive density, while if X is of Mumford type, then X 𝔭 is simple for almost all 𝔭 . For a large class of abelian varieties with commutative absolute endomorphism ring, we give an explicit upper bound...

Explicit moduli for curves of genus 2 with real multiplication by ℚ(√5)

John Wilson (2000)

Acta Arithmetica

1. Motivation. Let J₀(N) denote the Jacobian of the modular curve X₀(N) parametrizing pairs of N-isogenous elliptic curves. The simple factors of J₀(N) have real multiplication, that is to say that the endomorphism ring of a simple factor A contains an order in a totally real number field of degree dim A. We shall sometimes abbreviate "real multiplication" to "RM" and say that A has maximal RM by the totally real field F if A has an action of the full ring of integers of F. We say that a...

Explicit Selmer groups for cyclic covers of ℙ¹

Michael Stoll, Ronald van Luijk (2013)

Acta Arithmetica

For any abelian variety J over a global field k and an isogeny ϕ: J → J, the Selmer group S e l ϕ ( J , k ) is a subgroup of the Galois cohomology group H ¹ ( G a l ( k s / k ) , J [ ϕ ] ) , defined in terms of local data. When J is the Jacobian of a cyclic cover of ℙ¹ of prime degree p, the Selmer group has a quotient by a subgroup of order at most p that is isomorphic to the ‘fake Selmer group’, whose definition is more amenable to explicit computations. In this paper we define in the same setting the ‘explicit Selmer group’, which is isomorphic...

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