On a conjecture on exponential Diophantine equations
A criterion is given for studying (explicit) Baker type lower bounds of linear forms in numbers over the ring of an imaginary quadratic field . This work deals with the simultaneous auxiliary functions case.
Let and let be the -generalized Pell sequence defined by for with initial conditions In this study, we handle the equation in positive integers , , , such that and give an upper bound on Also, we will show that the equation with has only one solution given by
In 2000, Florian Luca proved that F₁₀ = 55 and L₅ = 11 are the largest numbers with only one distinct digit in the Fibonacci and Lucas sequences, respectively. In this paper, we find terms of a linear recurrence sequence with only one block of digits in its expansion in base g ≥ 2. As an application, we generalize Luca's result by finding the Fibonacci and Lucas numbers with only one distinct block of digits of length up to 10 in its decimal expansion.
P. 294, line 14: For “Satz 8” read “Satz 7”, and for “equation (10)” read “equation (13)”.
1. Introduction. Let ℤ, ℕ, ℚ be the sets of integers, positive integers and rational numbers respectively. In [7], Ribenboim proved that the equation (1) , x,y,m,n ∈ ℕ, x > 1, n > m ≥ 1, has no solution (x,y,m,n) with 2|x and (1) has only finitely many solutions (x,y,m,n) with 2∤x. Moreover, all solutions of (1) with 2∤x satisfy max(x,m,n) < C, where C is an effectively computable constant. In this paper we completely determine all solutions of (1) as follows. Theorem. Equation (1)...
For an integer k ≥ 2, let be the k-Fibonacci sequence which starts with 0,..., 0,1 (k terms) and each term afterwards is the sum of the k preceding terms. This paper completes a previous work of Marques (2014) which investigated the spacing between terms of distinct k-Fibonacci sequences.
Skolem conjectured that the "power sum" A(n) = λ₁α₁ⁿ + ⋯ + λₘαₘⁿ satisfies a certain local-global principle. We prove this conjecture in the case when the multiplicative group generated by α₁,...,αₘ is of rank 1.
Let and define , the -generalized Fibonacci sequence whose terms satisfy the recurrence relation , with initial conditions ( terms) and such that the first nonzero term is . The sequences and are the known Fibonacci and Tribonacci sequences, respectively. In 2005, Noe and Post made a conjecture related to the possible solutions of the Diophantine equation . In this note, we use transcendental tools to provide a general method for finding the intersections which gives evidence supporting...