Congruences et formes modulaires
The purpose of this paper is to interpret the results of Jakubec and his collaborators on congruences of Ankeny-Artin-Chowla type for cyclic totally real fields as an elementary algebraic version of the p-adic class number formula modulo powers of p. We show how to generalize the previous results to congruences modulo arbitrary powers and to equalities in the p-adic completion of the field of rational numbers ℚ. Additional connections to the Gross-Koblitz formula and explicit congruences for...
Pour un nombre premier impair et une extension abélienne de corps de nombres totalement réels, nous utilisons la Conjecture Principale Équivariante démontrée par Ritter et Weiss (modulo la nullité de l’invariant ) pour calculer l’idéal de Fitting d’un certain module d’Iwasawa sur l’algèbre complète où et est la -extension cyclotomique de . Par descente, nous en déduisons la -partie de la version cohomologique de la conjecture de Coates-Sinnott, ainsi qu’une forme faible de la -partie...
In this note we explain a way to associate to any number field some connected complex abelian Lie groups. Further, we study the case of non-totally real cubic number fields, and we see that they are intimately related with the Cousin groups (toroidal groups) of complex dimension and rank .
In this paper we study an action of the absolute Galois group on bicolored plane trees. In distinction with the similar action provided by the Grothendieck theory of “Dessins d’enfants” the action is induced by the action of on equivalence classes of conservative polynomials which are the simplest examples of postcritically finite rational functions. We establish some basic properties of the action and compare it with the Grothendieck action.