Effective Convergence Bounds for Frobenius Structures on Connections
Let be polynomials in variables without a common zero. Hilbert’s Nullstellensatz says that there are polynomials such that . The effective versions of this result bound the degrees of the in terms of the degrees of the . The aim of this paper is to generalize this to the case when the are replaced by arbitrary ideals. Applications to the Bézout theorem, to Łojasiewicz–type inequalities and to deformation theory are also discussed.
V. Alexeev and M. Brion introduced, for a given a complex reductive group, a moduli scheme of affine spherical varieties with prescribed weight monoid. We provide new examples of this moduli scheme by proving that it is an affine space when the given group is of type and the prescribed weight monoid is that of a spherical module.
Let S be a fibred surface. We prove that the existence of morphisms from non countably many fibres to curves implies, up to base change, the existence of a rational map from S to another surface fibred over the same base reflecting the properties of the original morphisms. Under some conditions of unicity base change is not needed and one recovers exactly the initial maps.