Algebraic surfaces whose canonical image has a pencil of rational curves of degree two.
We present algorithms and their implementation in the computer algebra system Singular 2.0 for the computation of equations for moduli spaces for semiquasihomogeneous singularities w.r.t. right equivalence. In addition, we describe the structure of the stabilizer group of Brieskorn-Pham singularities.
Les amibesdes variétés algébriques dans sont les images de ces variétés par l’application des moments , . Des résultats obtenus par G. Mikhalkin montrent l’utilité des amibes pour l’étude des variétés algébriques réelles et complexes. Les amibes peuvent être déformées en des complexes polyédraux appelésvariétés algébriques tropicales. Cette déformation permet, en particulier, de calculer les invariants de Gromov-Witten du plan projectif et d’autres surfaces toriques en dénombrant des courbes...
Néron showed that an elliptic surface with rank , and with base , and geometric genus , may be obtained by blowing up points in the plane. In this paper, we obtain parameterizations of the coefficients of the Weierstrass equations of such elliptic surfaces, in terms of the points. Manin also describes bases of the Mordell-Weil groups of these elliptic surfaces, in terms of the points ; we observe that, relative to the Weierstrass form of the equation,(with , and a basis can be found...
Donaldson proved that if a polarized manifold has constant scalar curvature Kähler metrics in and its automorphism group is discrete, is asymptotically Chow stable. In this paper, we shall show an example which implies that the above result does not hold in the case where is not discrete.