On the -th roots of a complex matrix.
Let A be a complex n × n matrix. Let A' be its commutant in Mₙ(ℂ), and C(A) be its centralizer in GL(n,ℂ). Consider the standard C(A)-action on ℂⁿ. We describe the C(A)-orbits via invariant subspaces of A'. For example, we count the number of C(A)-orbits as well as that of invariant subspaces of A'.
Given a real n×n matrix A, we make some conjectures and prove partial results about the range of the function that maps the n-tuple x into the entrywise kth power of the n-tuple Ax. This is of interest in the study of the Jacobian Conjecture.
Let A = PQT, where P and Q are two n × 2 complex matrices of full column rank such that QTP is singular. We solve the quadratic matrix equation AXA = XAX. Together with a previous paper devoted to the case that QTP is nonsingular, we have completely solved the matrix equation with any given matrix A of rank-two.
In this paper, we obtain an eigenvalue decomposition for any complex skew-persymmetric anti-tridiagonal Hankel matrix where the eigenvector matrix is orthogonal.
We show that an infinite lower Hessenberg matrix generates polynomial sequences that correspond to the rows of infinite lower triangular invertible matrices. Orthogonal polynomial sequences are obtained when the Hessenberg matrix is tridiagonal. We study properties of the polynomial sequences and their corresponding matrices which are related to recurrence relations, companion matrices, matrix similarity, construction algorithms, and generating functions. When the Hessenberg matrix is also Toeplitz...