Caractères quadratiques de groupes abéliens finis et sommes de Gauss
For any orthogonal multi-way classification, the sums of squares appearing in the analysis of variance may be expressed by the standard quadratic forms involving only squares of the marginal and total sums of observations. In this case the forms are independent and nonnegative definite. We characterize all two-way classifications preserving these properties for some and for all of the standard quadratic forms.
Consider the Hilbert space (H,〈• , •〉) equipped with the indefinite inner product[u,v]=v*J u,u,v∈ H, where J is an indefinite self-adjoint involution acting on H. The Krein space numerical range WJ(T) of an operator T acting on H is the set of all the values attained by the quadratic form [Tu,u], with u ∈H satisfying [u,u]=± 1. We develop, implement and test an alternative algorithm to compute WJ(T) in the finite dimensional case, constructing 2 by 2 matrix compressions of T and their easily determined...