Offenheit der Versalität in der analytischen Geoemtrie.
This paper presents certain characterizations through blowing up of arc-analytic functions definable by a convergent Weierstrass system closed under complexification.
Let X ⊂ kⁿ be a smooth affine variety of dimension n-r and let be a polynomial dominant mapping. It is well-known that the mapping f is a locally trivial fibration outside a small closed set B(f). It can be proved (using a general Fibration Theorem of Rabier) that the set B(f) is contained in the set K(f) of generalized critical values of f. In this note we study the Rabier function. We give a few equivalent expressions for this function, in particular we compare this function with the Kuo function...
It is well-known that the versal deformations of nonsimple singularities depend on moduli. The first step in deeper understanding of this phenomenon is to determine the versal discriminant, which roughly speaking is an obstacle for analytic triviality of an unfolding or deformation along the moduli. The goal of this paper is to describe the versal discriminant of and singularities basing on the fact that the deformations of these singularities may be obtained as blowing ups of certain deformations...
We study the residue current of Bochner-Martinelli type associated with a tuple of holomorphic germs at , whose common zero set equals the origin. Our main results are a geometric description of in terms of the Rees valuations associated with the ideal generated by and a characterization of when the annihilator ideal of equals .
For a stratified mapping , we consider the condition concerning the kernel of the differential of . We show that the condition is equivalent to the condition which has a more obvious geometric content.
We propose a Fatou-Julia decomposition for holomorphic pseudosemigroups. It will be shown that the limit sets of finitely generated Kleinian groups, the Julia sets of mapping iterations and Julia sets of complex codimension-one regular foliations can be seen as particular cases of the decomposition. The decomposition is applied in order to introduce a Fatou-Julia decomposition for singular holomorphic foliations. In the well-studied cases, the decomposition behaves as expected.
We give a geometric descriptions of (wave) fronts in wave propagation processes. Concrete form of defining function of wave front issued from initial algebraic variety is obtained by the aid of Gauss-Manin systems associated with certain complete intersection singularities. In the case of propagations on the plane, we get restrictions on types of possible cusps that can appear on the wave front.
Let f: ℝⁿ → ℝ be a C² semialgebraic function and let c be an asymptotic critical value of f. We prove that there exists a smallest rational number such that |x|·|∇f| and are separated at infinity. If c is a regular value and , then f is a locally trivial fibration over c, and the trivialisation is realised by the flow of the gradient field of f.
Let be a germ at of an irreducible analytic set of dimension , where and is a singular point of . We study the question: when does there exist a germ of holomorphic map such that ? We prove essentialy three results. In Theorem 1 we consider the case where is a quasi-homogeneous complete intersection of polynomials , that is there exists a linear holomorphic vector field on , with eigenvalues such that , where is a matrix with entries in . We prove that if there exists...
A germ of normal complex analytical surface is called a Hirzebruch-Jung singularity if it is analytically isomorphic to the germ at the 0-dimensional orbit of an affine toric surface. Two such germs are known to be isomorphic if and only if the toric surfaces corresponding to them are equivariantly isomorphic. We extend this result to higher-dimensional Hirzebruch-Jung singularities, which we define to be the germs analytically isomorphic to the germ at the 0-dimensional orbit of an affine toric...