Schlicht Holomorphic Functions an the Riccati Differntial Equation.
We investigate the quadratic homogeneous holomorphic vector fields on that are semicomplete, this is, those whose solutions are single-valued in their maximal definition domain. To a generic quadratic vector field we rationally associate some complex numbers that turn out to be integers in the semicomplete case, thus showing that the linear equivalence classes of semicomplete vector fields are contained in some sort of lattice in the space of linear equivalence classes of quadratic ones. We prove...
This article continues earlier work of the author on non-linear systems of ordinary differential equations, published in Asymptotic Analysis 15 (1997), MR no. 98g:34015b. There, a completely formal theory was presented, while here we are concerned with a semi-formal approach: Solutions of non-linear systems of ordinary meromorphic differential equations are represented as, in general divergent, power series in several free parameters. The coefficients, aside from an exponential polynomial, a general...
In this article we investigate the natural domain of definition of a holonomy map associated to a singular holomorphic foliation of the complex projective plane. We prove that germs of holonomy between algebraic curves can have large sets of singularities for the analytic continuation. In the Riccati context we provide examples with natural boundary and maximal sets of singularities. In the generic case we provide examples having at least a Cantor set of singularities and even a nonempty open set...
Nous mettons en évidence une obstruction au prolongement d’un germe de champ de vecteurs holomorphe en un champ holomorphe complet. En particulier, on démontre que toute singularité isolée d’un champ holomorphe complet sur une surface complexe possède un deuxième jet non nul.
We study germs of singular holomorphic vector fields at the origin of of which the linear part is -resonant and which have a polynomial normal form. The formal normalizing diffeomorphism is usually divergent at the origin but there exists holomorphic diffeomorphisms in some “sectorial domains” which transform these vector fields into their normal form. In this article, we study the interplay between the small divisors phenomenon and the Gevrey character of the sectorial normalizing diffeomorphisms....
Soit un entier naturel non nul, et une fonction entière de variables complexes. Dans un article précédent, nous avons démontré dans le cas , que si est une solution d’un système de équations aux différences à coefficients polynomiaux dans deux directions différentes, avec une condition restrictive portant sur les équations, alors est le quotient d’un polynôme exponentiel par un polynôme. Dans cet article, nous démontrons ce résultat dans le cas général, et l’analogue pour le cas de...
The main purpose of this paper is to consider the analytic solutions of the non-homogeneous linear differential equation , where all coefficients , F ≢ 0 are analytic functions in the unit disc = z∈ℂ: |z|<1. We obtain some results classifying the growth of finite iterated order solutions in terms of the coefficients with finite iterated type. The convergence exponents of zeros and fixed points of solutions are also investigated.
We consider the generalized Riemann-Hilbert problem for linear differential equations with irregular singularities. If one weakens the conditions by allowing one of the Poincaré ranks to be non-minimal, the problem is known to have a solution. In this article we give a bound for the possibly non-minimal Poincaré rank. We also give a bound for the number of apparent singularities of a scalar equation with prescribed generalized monodromy data.