Schauder estimates for a class of degenerate elliptic and parabolic operators with unbounded coefficients in
We present a smooth regularity result for strictly Levi convex solutions to the Levi Monge-Ampère equation. It is a fully nonlinear PDE which is degenerate elliptic. Hence elliptic techniques fail in this situation and we build a new theory in order to treat this new topic. Our technique is inspired to those introduced in [3] and [8] for the study of degenerate elliptic quasilinear PDE’s related to the Levi mean curvature equation. When the right hand side has the meaning of total curvature of a...
We investigate the following quasilinear and singular problem,where is an open bounded domain with smooth boundary, , , , and . As usual, if , is arbitrarily large if , and if . We employ variational methods in order to show the existence of at least two distinct (positive) solutions of problem (P) in . While following an approach due to Ambrosetti-Brezis-Cerami, we need to prove two new results of separate interest: a strong comparison principle and a regularity result for solutions...
This is the expanded text of a lecture about viscosity solutions of degenerate elliptic equations delivered at the XVI Congresso UMI. The aim of the paper is to review some fundamental results of the theory as developed in the last twenty years and to point out some of its recent developments and applications.
Using a Hardy-type inequality, the authors weaken certain assumptions from the paper [1] and derive existence results for equations with a stronger degeneration.
The goal of this paper is to study some possibly degenerate elliptic equation in a bounded domain with a nonlinear boundary condition involving measure data. We investigate two types of problems: the first one deals with the laplacian in a bounded domain with measure supported on the domain and on the boundary. A second one deals with the same type of data but involves a degenerate weight in the equation. In both cases, the nonlinearity under consideration lies on the boundary. For the first problem,...
We study degenerate elliptic problems of the type
The paper concerns the existence of weak solutions to nonlinear elliptic equations of the form A(u) + g(x,u,∇u) = f, where A is an operator from an appropriate anisotropic function space to its dual and the right hand side term is in with 0 < m < 1. We assume a sign condition on the nonlinear term g, but no growth restrictions on u.