Displaying 41 – 60 of 83

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Nonlinear vibrations of completely resonant wave equations

Massimiliano Berti (2007)

Banach Center Publications

We present recent existence results of small amplitude periodic and quasi-periodic solutions of completely resonant nonlinear wave equations. Both infinite-dimensional bifurcation phenomena and small divisors difficulties occur. The proofs rely on bifurcation theory, Nash-Moser implicit function theorems, dynamical systems techniques and variational methods.

Nonlinear Wave Equation with Vanishing Potential

Lucente, Sandra (1999)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

We study the Cauchy problem for utt − ∆u + V (x)u^5 = 0 in 3–dimensional case. The function V (x) is positive and regular, in particular we are interested in the case V (x) = 0 in some points. We look for the global classical solution of this equation under a suitable hypothesis on the initial energy.

Non-Lipschitz coefficients for strictly hyperbolic equations

Fumihiko Hirosawa, Michael Reissig (2004)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

In the present paper we explain the classification of oscillations and its relation to the loss of derivatives for a homogeneous hyperbolic operator of second order. In this way we answer the open question if the assumptions to get C well posedness for weakly hyperbolic Cauchy problems or for strictly hyperbolic Cauchy problems with non-Lipschitz coefficients are optimal.

Non-unicité du transport par un champ de vecteurs presque B V

Nicolas Depauw (2002/2003)

Séminaire Équations aux dérivées partielles

Nous exposons un exemple de non unicité du problème de Cauchy non caractéristique pour l’équation de transport associé à un champ de vecteurs borné, à divergence nulle et néanmoins à coefficients peu réguliers

Non-uniqueness of almost unidirectional inviscid compressible flow

Pavel Šolín, Karel Segeth (2004)

Applications of Mathematics

Our aim is to find roots of the non-unique behavior of gases which can be observed in certain axisymmetric nozzle geometries under special flow regimes. For this purpose, we use several versions of the compressible Euler equations. We show that the main reason for the non-uniqueness is hidden in the energy decomposition into its internal and kinetic parts, and their complementary behavior. It turns out that, at least for inviscid compressible flows, a bifurcation can occur only at flow regimes with...

Null Condition for Semilinear Wave Equation with Variable Coefficients

Catalano, Fabio (1999)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

∗The author was partially supported by M.U.R.S.T. Progr. Nazionale “Problemi Non Lineari...”In this work we analyse the nonlinear Cauchy problem (∂tt − ∆)u(t, x) = ( λg + O(1/(1 + t + |x|)^a) ) ) ∇t,x u(t, x), ∇t,x u(t, x) ), whit initial data u(0, x) = e u0 (x), ut (0, x) = e u1 (x). We assume a ≥ 1, x ∈ R^n (n ≥ 3) and g the matrix related to the Minkowski space. It can be considerated a pertubation of the case when the quadratic term has constant coefficient λg (see Klainerman [6]) We...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 83