Displaying 1421 – 1440 of 2227

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Periodic solutions of a nonlinear evolution problem

Nelson Nery Oliveira Castro, Nirzi G. de Andrade (2002)

Applications of Mathematics

In this paper we prove existence of periodic solutions to a nonlinear evolution system of second order partial differential equations involving the pseudo-Laplacian operator. To show the existence of periodic solutions we use Faedo-Galerkin method with a Schauder fixed point argument.

Periodic solutions of nonlinear wave equations with non-monotone forcing terms

Massimiliano Berti, Luca Biasco (2005)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Existence and regularity of periodic solutions of nonlinear, completely resonant, forced wave equations is proved for a large class of non-monotone forcing terms. Our approach is based on a variational Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction. The corresponding infinite dimensional bifurcation equation exhibits an intrinsic lack of compactness. This difficulty is overcome finding a-priori estimates for the constrained minimizers of the reduced action functional, through techniques inspired by regularity theory...

Perron-Frobenius operators and the Klein-Gordon equation

Francisco Canto-Martín, Håkan Hedenmalm, Alfonso Montes-Rodríguez (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

For a smooth curve Γ and a set Λ in the plane 2 , let A C ( Γ ; Λ ) be the space of finite Borel measures in the plane supported on Γ , absolutely continuous with respect to the arc length and whose Fourier transform vanishes on Λ . Following [12], we say that ( Γ , Λ ) is a Heisenberg uniqueness pair if A C ( Γ ; Λ ) = { 0 } . In the context of a hyperbola Γ , the study of Heisenberg uniqueness pairs is the same as looking for uniqueness sets Λ of a collection of solutions to the Klein-Gordon equation. In this work, we mainly address the...

Perte de régularité pour les équations d’ondes sur-critiques

Gilles Lebeau (2005)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

On prouve que le problème de Cauchy local pour l’équation d’onde sur-critique dans d , u + u p = 0 , p impair, avec d 3 et p > ( d + 2 ) / ( d - 2 ) , est mal posé dans H σ pour tout σ ] 1 , σ crit [ , où σ crit = d / 2 - 2 / ( p - 1 ) est l’exposant critique.

Currently displaying 1421 – 1440 of 2227