Displaying 301 – 320 of 332

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Topological degree, Jacobian determinants and relaxation

Irene Fonseca, Nicola Fusco, Paolo Marcellini (2005)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

A characterization of the total variation T V u , Ω of the Jacobian determinant det D u is obtained for some classes of functions u : Ω R n outside the traditional regularity space W 1 , n Ω ; R n . In particular, explicit formulas are deduced for functions that are locally Lipschitz continuous away from a given one point singularity x 0 Ω . Relations between T V u , Ω and the distributional determinant Det D u are established, and an integral representation is obtained for the relaxed energy of certain polyconvex functionals at maps u W 1 , p Ω ; R n W 1 , Ω x 0 ; R n .

Topology optimization of systems governed by variational inequalities

Andrzej Myśliński (2010)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization

This paper deals with the formulation of the necessary optimality condition for a topology optimization problem of an elastic body in unilateral contact with a rigid foundation. In the contact problem of Tresca, a given friction is governed by an elliptic variational inequality of the second order. The optimization problem consists in finding such topology of the domain occupied by the body that the normal contact stress along the contact boundary of the body is minimized. The topological derivative...

Traffic plans.

Marc Bernot, Vicent Caselles, Jean-Michel Morel (2005)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

In recent research in the optimization of transportation networks, the problem was formalized as finding the optimal paths to transport a measure y+ onto a measure y- with the same mass. This approach is realistic for simple good distribution networks (water, electric power,. ..) but it is no more realistic when we want to specify who goes where, like in the mailing problem or the optimal urban traffic network problem. In this paper, we present a new framework generalizing the former approathes...

Transport optimal et courbure de Ricci

Cédric Villani (2005/2006)

Séminaire Équations aux dérivées partielles

Des liens inattendus ont été récemment mis à jour entre le transport optimal de Monge–Kantorovich et certains problèmes de géométrie riemannienne, en liaison avec la courbure de Ricci. Une des retombées de ces interactions est la naissance d’une théorie “synthétique” des espaces métriques mesurés à courbure de Ricci minorée, venant compléter la théorie classique des espaces métriqes à courbure sectionnelle minorée. Dans ce texte (également fourni aux actes du Séminaire de Théorie Spectrale et Géométrie...

Transport problems and disintegration maps

Luca Granieri, Francesco Maddalena (2013)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

By disintegration of transport plans it is introduced the notion of transport class. This allows to consider the Monge problem as a particular case of the Kantorovich transport problem, once a transport class is fixed. The transport problem constrained to a fixed transport class is equivalent to an abstract Monge problem over a Wasserstein space of probability measures. Concerning solvability of this kind of constrained problems, it turns out that in some sense the Monge problem corresponds to a...

Two dimensional optimal transportation problem for a distance cost with a convex constraint

Ping Chen, Feida Jiang, Xiaoping Yang (2013)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We first prove existence and uniqueness of optimal transportation maps for the Monge’s problem associated to a cost function with a strictly convex constraint in the Euclidean plane ℝ2. The cost function coincides with the Euclidean distance if the displacement y − x belongs to a given strictly convex set, and it is infinite otherwise. Secondly, we give a sufficient condition for existence and uniqueness of optimal transportation maps for the original Monge’s problem in ℝ2. Finally, we get existence...

Type-II singularities of two-convex immersed mean curvature flow

Theodora Bourni, Mat Langford (2016)

Geometric Flows

We show that any strictly mean convex translator of dimension n ≥ 3 which admits a cylindrical estimate and a corresponding gradient estimate is rotationally symmetric. As a consequence, we deduce that any translating solution of the mean curvature flow which arises as a blow-up limit of a two-convex mean curvature flow of compact immersed hypersurfaces of dimension n ≥ 3 is rotationally symmetric. The proof is rather robust, and applies to a more general class of translator equations. As a particular...

Uniqueness and approximate computation of optimal incomplete transportation plans

P. C. Álvarez-Esteban, E. del Barrio, J. A. Cuesta-Albertos, C. Matrán (2011)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

For α∈(0, 1) an α-trimming, P∗, of a probability P is a new probability obtained by re-weighting the probability of any Borel set, B, according to a positive weight function, f≤1/(1−α), in the way P∗(B)=∫Bf(x)P(dx). If P, Q are probability measures on euclidean space, we consider the problem of obtaining the best L2-Wasserstein approximation between: (a) a fixed probability and trimmed versions of the other; (b) trimmed versions of both probabilities. These best trimmed approximations naturally...

Variational approximation for detecting point-like target problems

Gilles Aubert, Daniele Graziani (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The aim of this paper is to provide a rigorous variational formulation for the detection of points in 2-d biological images. To this purpose we introduce a new functional whose minimizers give the points we want to detect. Then we define an approximating sequence of functionals for which we prove the Γ-convergence to the initial one.

Variational approximation for detecting point-like target problems*

Gilles Aubert, Daniele Graziani (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The aim of this paper is to provide a rigorous variational formulation for the detection of points in 2-d biological images. To this purpose we introduce a new functional whose minimizers give the points we want to detect. Then we define an approximating sequence of functionals for which we prove the Γ-convergence to the initial one.

Variational approximation of a functional of Mumford–Shah type in codimension higher than one

Francesco Ghiraldin (2014)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this paper we consider a new kind of Mumford–Shah functional E(u, Ω) for maps u : ℝm → ℝn with m ≥ n. The most important novelty is that the energy features a singular set Su of codimension greater than one, defined through the theory of distributional jacobians. After recalling the basic definitions and some well established results, we prove an approximation property for the energy E(u, Ω) via Γ −convergence, in the same spirit of the work by Ambrosio and Tortorelli [L. Ambrosio and V.M. Tortorelli,...

Vers un théorème de Skorohod simultané

Henri Heinich (2008)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

Nous étudions un théorème de Skorohod pour des mesures vectorielles à valeurs d . En notant X ( ) la mesure image de par la variable aléatoire X , nous donnons des classes de mesures et éventuel-lement de variables telles que, si la suite { X n ( ) } converge étroitement, il existe une suite { φ n } , φ n ( ) = X n ( ) qui converge en mesure, éventuel-lement p.s.Le problème de Monge est abordé comme application. Soit | | la mesure variation de , pour un couple ( , ) et une fonction coût c , le problème de Monge est l’existence d’une fonction...

Currently displaying 301 – 320 of 332