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La conjecture de Baum-Connes pour un feuilletage sans holonomie de codimension un sur une variété fermée.

Marta Macho Stadler (1989)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

In [C2], Baum-Connes state a conjecture for the K-theory of C*-algebras of foliations. This conjecture has been proved by T. Natsume [N2] for C∞-codimension one foliations without holonomy on a closed manifold. We propose here another proof of the conjecture for this class of foliations, more geometric and based on the existence of the Thom isomorphism, proved by A. Connes in [C3]. The advantage of this approach is that the result will be valid for all C0-foliations.

La décomposition dynamique et la différentiabilité des feuilletages des surfaces

Gilbert Levitt (1987)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Soit un feuilletage singulier d’une surface compacte M . Pour analyser la dynamique de , on décompose M de façon canonique en sous-surfaces bordées par des courbes transverses à  : les composantes de la récurrence de (ensembles quasiminimaux) sont contenues dans les “régions de récurrence” et peuvent être étudiées séparément; par contre dans les autres régions, dites “régions de passage”, la dynamique est triviale. On propose ensuite une définition des feuilletages singuliers de classe C r sur...

Leaves of foliations with a transverse geometric structure of finite type.

Robert A. Wolak (1989)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

In this short note we find some conditions which ensure that a G foliation of finite type with all leaves compact is a Riemannian foliation of equivalently the space of leaves of such a foliation is a Satake manifold. A particular attention is paid to transversaly affine foliations. We present several conditions which ensure completeness of such foliations.

Leaves of Markov local minimal sets in foliations of codimension one.

John Cantwell, Lawrence Conlon (1989)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

The authors continue their study of exceptional local minimal sets with holonomy modeled on symbolic dynamics (called Markov LMS [C-C 1]). Here, an unpublished theorem of G. Duminy, on the topology of semiproper exceptional leaves, is extended to every leaf, semiproper or not, of a Markov LMS. Other topological results on these leaves are also obtained.

Leibniz cohomology for differentiable manifolds

Jerry M. Lodder (1998)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We propose a definition of Leibniz cohomology, H L * , for differentiable manifolds. Then H L * becomes a non-commutative version of Gelfand-Fuks cohomology. The calculations of H L * ( R n ; R ) reduce to those of formal vector fields, and can be identified with certain invariants of foliations.

Lemme de Moser feuilleté et clasifications des variétés de Poisson régulières.

G. Héctor, E. Macías, M. Saralegui (1989)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Regular Poisson structures with fixed characteristic foliation F are described by means of foliated symplectic forms. Associated to each of these structures, there is a class in the second group of foliated cohomology H2(F). Using a foliated version of Moser's lemma, we study the isotopy classes of these structures in relation with their cohomology class. Explicit examples, with dim F = 2, are described.

L'espace des feuilletages d'un espace analytique compact

Daniel Barlet (1987)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Nous construisons sur l’ensemble des feuilletages (avec singulariés) d’un espace analytique compact normal une structure analytique complexe. Dans le cas faiblement kählérien, nous montrons qu’à un point frontière de la compactification naturelle de l’espace des feuilletages est encore associé un feuilletage.

Lie algebras of vector fields and codimension one foliations.

Tomasz Rybicki (1990)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

The main result is a Pursell-Shanks type theorem for codimension one foliations. This theorem can be viewed as a partial solution of a hypothetical general version of the theorem of Pursell-Shanks. Several propositions and lemmas on foliations are contained in the proof.

Localization of basic characteristic classes

Dirk Töben (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We introduce basic characteristic classes and numbers as new invariants for Riemannian foliations. If the ambient Riemannian manifold M is complete, simply connected (or more generally if the foliation is a transversely orientable Killing foliation) and if the space of leaf closures is compact, then the basic characteristic numbers are determined by the infinitesimal dynamical behavior of the foliation at the union of its closed leaves. In fact, they can be computed with an Atiyah-Bott-Berline-Vergne-type...

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