Displaying 941 – 960 of 1746

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On Kakeya–Nikodym averages, L p -norms and lower bounds for nodal sets of eigenfunctions in higher dimensions

Matthew D. Blair, Christopher D. Sogge (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We extend a result of the second author [27, Theorem 1.1] to dimensions d 3 which relates the size of L p -norms of eigenfunctions for 2 < p < 2 ( d + 1 ) / d - 1 to the amount of L 2 -mass in shrinking tubes about unit-length geodesics. The proof uses bilinear oscillatory integral estimates of Lee [22] and a variable coefficient variant of an " ϵ removal lemma" of Tao and Vargas [35]. We also use Hörmander’s [20] L 2 oscillatory integral theorem and the Cartan–Hadamard theorem to show that, under the assumption of nonpositive curvature,...

On m -sectorial Schrödinger-type operators with singular potentials on manifolds of bounded geometry

Ognjen Milatovic (2004)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We consider a Schrödinger-type differential expression H V = * + V , where is a C -bounded Hermitian connection on a Hermitian vector bundle E of bounded geometry over a manifold of bounded geometry ( M , g ) with metric g and positive C -bounded measure d μ , and V is a locally integrable section of the bundle of endomorphisms of E . We give a sufficient condition for m -sectoriality of a realization of H V in L 2 ( E ) . In the proof we use generalized Kato’s inequality as well as a result on the positivity of u L 2 ( M ) satisfying the...

On multivortex solutions in Chern-Simons gauge theory

Michael Struwe, Gabriella Tarantello (1998)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Motivati dall'analisi asintotica dei vortici nella teoria di Chern-Simons-Higgs, si studia l'equazione - Δ u = λ e u Ω e u d x - 1 Ω , u H 1 Ω dove Ω = R 2 / Z 2 é il toro piatto bidimensionale. In contrasto con l'analogo problema di Dirichlet, si dimostra che per λ 8 π , 4 π 2 l'equazione ammette una soluzione non banale. Tale soluzione cattura il carattere bidimensionale dell'equazione, nel senso che, per tali valori di λ , l'equazione non può ammettere soluzioni (periodiche) non banali dipendenti da una sola variabile (vedi [10]).

On nodal sets and nodal domains on S 2 and 2

Alexandre Eremenko, Dmitry Jakobson, Nikolai Nadirashvili (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We discuss possible topological configurations of nodal sets, in particular the number of their components, for spherical harmonics on S 2 . We also construct a solution of the equation Δ u = u in 2 that has only two nodal domains. This equation arises in the study of high energy eigenfunctions.

On nonisometric isospectral connected fractal domains.

Brian D. Sleeman, Chen Hua (2000)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

A fundamental question raised by M. Kac in 1966 is: Must two isospectral planar domains necessarily be isometric? Following a long history of investigation C. Gordon, D. L. Webb and S. Wolpert in 1992 finally proved that the answer is no. By using the idea of transposition maps one can construct a wide class of planar domains with piecewise continuous boundaries which are isospectral but non-isometric. In this note we study the Kac question in relation to domains with fractal boundaries and by following...

On Poisson-Dirichlet problems with polynomial data

Henryk Gzyl (2002)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

In this note we provide a probabilistic proof that Poisson and/or Dirichlet problems in an ellipsoid in Rd, that have polynomial data, also have polynomial solutions. Our proofs use basic stochastic calculus. The existing proofs are based on famous lemma by E. Fisher which we do not use, and present a simple martingale proof of it as well.

On recent progress for the stochastic Navier Stokes equations

Jonathan Mattingly (2003)

Journées équations aux dérivées partielles

We give an overview of the ideas central to some recent developments in the ergodic theory of the stochastically forced Navier Stokes equations and other dissipative stochastic partial differential equations. Since our desire is to make the core ideas clear, we will mostly work with a specific example : the stochastically forced Navier Stokes equations. To further clarify ideas, we will also examine in detail a toy problem. A few general theorems are given. Spatial regularity, ergodicity, exponential...

On Schrödinger maps from T 1 to  S 2

Robert L. Jerrard, Didier Smets (2012)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We prove an estimate for the difference of two solutions of the Schrödinger map equation for maps from T 1 to  S 2 . This estimate yields some continuity properties of the flow map for the topology of  L 2 ( T 1 , S 2 ) , provided one takes its quotient by the continuous group action of  T 1 given by translations. We also prove that without taking this quotient, for any t &gt; 0 the flow map at time t is discontinuous as a map from 𝒞 ( T 1 , S 2 ) , equipped with the weak topology of  H 1 / 2 , to the space of distributions ( 𝒞 ( T 1 , 3 ) ) * . The argument relies in an essential...

Currently displaying 941 – 960 of 1746