A singular lagrangian model for N-body relativistic interactions
MV-algebras were introduced by Chang, 1958 as algebraic bases for multi-valued logic. MV stands for “multi-valued" and MV algebras have already occupied an important place in the realm of nonstandard (mathematical) logic applied in several fields including cybernetics. In the present paper, using the Loomis–Sikorski theorem for -MV-algebras, we prove that, with every element in a -MV algebra , a spectral measure (i. e. an observable) can be associated, where denotes the Boolean -algebra...
On décrit une formule de trace [S] pour les résonances, qui est valable en toute dimension et pour les perturbations à longue portée du Laplacien. On établit une nouvelle application à l’éxistence de nombreuses résonances pour des opérateurs de Schrödinger semi-classiques.
We study a two-particle quantum system given by a test particle interacting in three dimensions with a harmonic oscillator through a zero-range potential. We give a rigorous meaning to the Schrödinger operator associated with the system by applying the theory of quadratic forms and defining suitable families of self-adjoint operators. Finally we fully characterize the spectral properties of such operators.
We show by explicit calculations in the particular case of the 4-dimensional irreducible representation of that it is not always possible to generalize to the quantum case the notion of symmetric algebra of a Lie algebra representation.
Summary: In this paper the isometries of the dual space were investigated. The dual structural equations of a Killing tensor of order two were found. The general results are applied to the case of the flat space.
On donne dans cet exposé des bornes inférieures universelles, en limite semiclassique, de la hauteur des résonances de forme associées aux opérateurs de Schrödinger à l’extérieur d’obstacles avec des conditions au bord de Dirichlet ou de Neumann et des potentiels analytiquement dilatables et tendant vers à l’infini. Ces bornes inférieures sont exponentiellement petites par rapport à la constante de Planck.