Displaying 181 – 200 of 2110

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Automorphic realization of residual Galois representations

Robert Guralnick, Michael Harris, Nicholas M. Katz (2010)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We show that it is possible in rather general situations to obtain a finite-dimensional modular representation ρ of the Galois group of a number field F as a constituent of one of the modular Galois representations attached to automorphic representations of a general linear group over F , provided one works “potentially.” The proof is based on a close study of the monodromy of the Dwork family of Calabi–Yau hypersurfaces; this in turn makes use of properties of rigid local systems and the classification...

Automorphy for some l-adic lifts of automorphic mod l Galois representations. II

Richard Taylor (2008)

Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS

We extend the results of [CHT] by removing the ‘minimal ramification’ condition on the lifts. That is we establish the automorphy of suitable conjugate self-dual, regular (de Rham with distinct Hodge–Tate numbers), l-adic lifts of certain automorphic mod l Galois representations of any dimension. The main innovation is a new approach to the automorphy of non-minimal lifts which is closer in spirit to the methods of [TW] than to those of [W], which relied on Ihara’s lemma.

Automorphy for some l-adic lifts of automorphic mod l Galois representations

Laurent Clozel, Michael Harris, Richard Taylor (2008)

Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS

We extend the methods of Wiles and of Taylor and Wiles from GL2 to higher rank unitary groups and establish the automorphy of suitable conjugate self-dual, regular (de Rham with distinct Hodge–Tate numbers), minimally ramified, l-adic lifts of certain automorphic mod l Galois representations of any dimension. We also make a conjecture about the structure of mod l automorphic forms on definite unitary groups, which would generalise a lemma of Ihara for GL2. Following Wiles’ method we show that this...

B dR -représentations dans le cas relatif

Fabrizio Andreatta, Olivier Brinon (2010)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

Dans ce travail nous développons un analogue relatif de la théorie de Sen pour les B dR -représentations. On donne des applications à la théorie des représentations p -adiques, en la reliant à la théorie des ( ϕ , Γ ) -modules relatifs, et à celle des modules de Higgs p -adiques développée par G. Faltings.

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 2110