Cohomology of arithmetic groups and congruences between systems of Hecke eigenvalues.
Let be a non-archimedean local field. This paper gives an explicit isomorphism between the dual of the special representation of and the space of harmonic cochains defined on the Bruhat-Tits building of , in the sense of E. de Shalit [11]. We deduce, applying the results of a paper of P. Schneider and U. Stuhler [9], that there exists a -equivariant isomorphism between the cohomology group of the Drinfeld symmetric space and the space of harmonic cochains.
Let 𝓐₂(n) = Γ₂(n)∖𝔖₂ be the quotient of Siegel's space of degree 2 by the principal congruence subgroup of level n in Sp(4,ℤ). This is the moduli space of principally polarized abelian surfaces with a level n structure. Let 𝓐₂(n)* denote the Igusa compactification of this space, and ∂𝓐₂(n)* = 𝓐₂(n)* - 𝓐₂(n) its "boundary". This is a divisor with normal crossings. The main result of this paper is the determination of H(∂𝓐₂(n)*) as a module over the finite group Γ₂(1)/Γ₂(n). As an application...
Hecke groups are the discrete subgroups of generated by and . The commutator subgroup of (, denoted by , is studied in [2]. It was shown that is a free group of rank . Here the extended Hecke groups , obtained by adjoining to the generators of , are considered. The commutator subgroup of is shown to be a free product of two finite cyclic groups. Also it is interesting to note that while in the case, the index of is changed by , in the case of , this number is either 4 for...
We present some completely normal elements in the maximal real subfields of cyclotomic fields over the field of rational numbers, relying on the criterion for normal element developed in [Jung H.Y., Koo J.K., Shin D.H., Normal bases of ray class fields over imaginary quadratic fields, Math. Z., 2012, 271(1–2), 109–116]. And, we further find completely normal elements in certain abelian extensions of modular function fields in terms of Siegel functions.
We propose an improved algorithm for computing mod ℓ Galois representations associated to a cusp form f of level one. The proposed method allows us to explicitly compute the case with ℓ = 29 and f of weight k = 16, and the cases with ℓ = 31 and f of weight k = 12,20,22. All the results are rigorously proved to be correct. As an example, we will compute the values modulo 31 of Ramanujan's tau function at some huge primes up to a sign. Also we will give an improved uper bound on...
We exhibit an algorithm to compute a Dirichlet domain for a Fuchsian group with cofinite area. As a consequence, we compute the invariants of , including an explicit finite presentation for .