Computing Hecke eigenvalues below the cohomological dimension.
We give an algorithm to compute the modular degree of an elliptic curve defined over . Our method is based on the computation of the special value at of the symmetric square of the -function attached to the elliptic curve. This method is quite efficient and easy to implement.
Using the link between Galois representations and modular forms established by Serre’s Conjecture, we compute, for every prime , a lower bound for the number of isomorphism classes of Galois representation of on a two–dimensional vector space over which are irreducible, odd, and unramified outside .
We show that if is an extremal even unimodular lattice of rank with , then is generated by its vectors of norms and . Our result is an extension of Ozeki’s result for the case .
Let be a positive integer divisible by 4, a prime, an elliptic cuspidal eigenform (ordinary at ) of weight , level 4 and non-trivial character. In this paper we provide evidence for the Bloch-Kato conjecture for the motives and , where is the motif attached to . More precisely, we prove that under certain conditions the -adic valuation of the algebraic part of the symmetric square -function of evaluated at provides a lower bound for the -adic valuation of the order of the Pontryagin...