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Plongements -adiques et -nombres de Weil

Jean-François Jaulent (2008)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Nous introduisons la notion de nombre de Weil -adique par analogie avec la notion classique de nombre de Weil à l’infini  ; et nous en étudions quelques propriétés en liaison avec les plongements et les valeurs absolues réelles ou -adiques des corps de nombres. En appendice, nous en tirons diverses applications à la théorie d’Iwasawa des tours cyclotomiques.

Pólya fields and Pólya numbers

Amandine Leriche (2010)

Actes des rencontres du CIRM

A number field K , with ring of integers 𝒪 K , is said to be a Pólya field if the 𝒪 K -algebra formed by the integer-valued polynomials on 𝒪 K admits a regular basis. In a first part, we focus on fields with degree less than six which are Pólya fields. It is known that a field K is a Pólya field if certain characteristic ideals are principal. Analogously to the classical embedding problem, we consider the embedding of K in a Pólya field. We give a positive answer to this embedding problem by showing that...

Pólya fields, Pólya groups and Pólya extensions: a question of capitulation

Amandine Leriche (2011)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

A number field K , with ring of integers 𝒪 K , is said to be a Pólya field when the 𝒪 K -algebra formed by the integer-valued polynomials on 𝒪 K admits a regular basis. It is known that such fields are characterized by the fact that some characteristic ideals are principal. Analogously to the classical embedding problem in a number field with class number one, when K is not a Pólya field, we are interested in the embedding of K in a Pólya field. We study here two notions which can be considered as measures...

Polynômes à groupe de Galois diédral

Dominique Martinais, Leila Schneps (1992)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Soit K un corps et K 1 une extension quadratique de K . Étant donné un polynôme P de K 1 [ X ] à groupe de Galois cyclique, nous donnons une méthode pour construire un polynôme Q de K [ X ] à groupe de Galois diédral, à partir des racines de P . Cette méthode est tout à fait explicite : nous donnons de nombreux exemples de polynômes à groupe de Galois diédral sur le corps .

Polynomial cycles in certain rings of rationals

Władysław Narkiewicz (2002)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

It is shown that the methods established in [HKN3] can be effectively used to study polynomial cycles in certain rings. We shall consider the rings 𝐙 [ 1 N ] and shall describe polynomial cycles in the case when N is either odd or twice a prime.

Polynomial relations amongst algebraic units of low measure

John Garza (2014)

Acta Arithmetica

For an algebraic number field and a subset α 1 , . . . , α r , we establish a lower bound for the average of the logarithmic heights that depends on the ideal of polynomials in [ x 1 , . . . , x r ] vanishing at the point ( α 1 , . . . , α r ) .

Polynomials and degrees of maps in real normed algebras

Takis Sakkalis (2020)

Communications in Mathematics

Let 𝒜 be the algebra of quaternions or octonions 𝕆 . In this manuscript an elementary proof is given, based on ideas of Cauchy and D’Alembert, of the fact that an ordinary polynomial f ( t ) 𝒜 [ t ] has a root in 𝒜 . As a consequence, the Jacobian determinant | J ( f ) | is always non-negative in 𝒜 . Moreover, using the idea of the topological degree we show that a regular polynomial g ( t ) over 𝒜 has also a root in 𝒜 . Finally, utilizing multiplication ( * ) in 𝒜 , we prove various results on the topological degree of products...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 113