Displaying 81 – 100 of 260

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Explicit solutions of infinite linear systems associated with group inverse endomorphisms

Fernando Pablos Romo (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The aim of this note is to offer an algorithm for studying solutions of infinite linear systems associated with group inverse endomorphisms. As particular results, we provide different properties of the group inverse and we characterize EP endomorphisms of arbitrary vector spaces from the coincidence of the group inverse and the Moore-Penrose inverse.

Focal power.

Hartwig, Robert E., Maroulas, John (2005)

ELA. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra [electronic only]

Generalizations of Milne’s U ( n + 1 ) q -Chu-Vandermonde summation

Jian-Ping Fang (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We derive two identities for multiple basic hyper-geometric series associated with the unitary U ( n + 1 ) group. In order to get the two identities, we first present two known q -exponential operator identities which were established in our earlier paper. From the two identities and combining them with the two U ( n + 1 ) q -Chu-Vandermonde summations established by Milne, we arrive at our...

Generalizations of Nekrasov matrices and applications

Ljiljana Cvetković, Vladimir Kostić, Maja Nedović (2015)

Open Mathematics

In this paper we present a nonsingularity result which is a generalization of Nekrasov property by using two different permutations of the index set. The main motivation comes from the following observation: matrices that are Nekrasov matrices up to the same permutations of rows and columns, are nonsingular. But, testing all the permutations of the index set for the given matrix is too expensive. So, in some cases, our new nonsingularity criterion allows us to use the results already calculated...

Generating functions and Bézoutians

Vlastimil Pták (1996)

Mathematica Bohemica

Using the idea of the generating function of a matrix in an extended sense we establish a Bezoutian type formula for a matrix M satisfying an intertwining relation of the form M A T = A M . In the particular case of classical generating functions this formula gives a simple proof of Lander’s theorem on the inverse of a Hankel matrix.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 260