Displaying 201 – 220 of 393

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A Spectral Theory for Tensors

Edinah K. Gnang, Ahmed Elgammal, Vladimir Retakh (2011)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

In this paper we propose a general spectral theory for tensors. Our proposed factorization decomposes a tensor into a product of orthogonal and scaling tensors. At the same time, our factorization yields an expansion of a tensor as a summation of outer products of lower order tensors. Our proposed factorization shows the relationship between the eigen-objects and the generalised characteristic polynomials. Our framework is based on a consistent multilinear algebra which explains how to generalise...

A study on new right/left inverses of nonsquare polynomial matrices

Wojciech P. Hunek, Krzysztof J. Latawiec (2011)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

This paper presents several new results on the inversion of full normal rank nonsquare polynomial matrices. New analytical right/left inverses of polynomial matrices are introduced, including the so-called τ-inverses, σ-inverses and, in particular, S-inverses, the latter providing the most general tool for the design of various polynomial matrix inverses. The applicationoriented problem of selecting stable inverses is also solved. Applications in inverse-model control, in particular robust minimum...

A survey of certain trace inequalities

Dénes Petz (1994)

Banach Center Publications

This paper concerns inequalities like TrA ≤ TrB, where A and B are certain Hermitian complex matrices and Tr stands for the trace. In most cases A and B will be exponential or logarithmic expressions of some other matrices. Due to the interest of the author in quantum statistical mechanics, the possible applications of the trace inequalities will be commented from time to time. Several inequalities treated below have been established in the context of Hilbert space operators or operator algebras....

A tensor approximation method based on ideal minimal residual formulations for the solution of high-dimensional problems

M. Billaud-Friess, A. Nouy, O. Zahm (2014)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

In this paper, we propose a method for the approximation of the solution of high-dimensional weakly coercive problems formulated in tensor spaces using low-rank approximation formats. The method can be seen as a perturbation of a minimal residual method with a measure of the residual corresponding to the error in a specified solution norm. The residual norm can be designed such that the resulting low-rank approximations are optimal with respect to particular norms of interest, thus allowing to take...

A topology over a set of systems

Gaspar Martínez Mora (1996)

Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales

The systems of an arbitrary number of linear inequalities OVer a real locally convex space have been classified in three classes, namely: consistent, weakly inconsistent and strongly inconsistent, i.e. having ordinary solutions, weak solutions or notsolutions respectively. In this paper, the third type is divided in two classes: strict-strongly and quasi-strongly inconsistent and is given a topology over a quotient space of the set of systems over finite- dimensional spaces, that yields a set of...

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 393