Ski de fond
Dedicated to Professor A.M. Mathai on the occasion of his 75-th birthday. Mathematics Subject Classi¯cation 2010: 26A33, 44A10, 33C60, 35J10.The object of this article is to present the computational solution of one-dimensional space-time fractional Schrödinger equation occurring in quantum mechanics. The method followed in deriving the solution is that of joint Laplace and Fourier transforms. The solution is derived in a closed and computational form in terms of the H-function. It provides an elegant...
For fairly general open sets it is shown that we can express a solution of the Neumann problem for the Laplace equation in the form of a single layer potential of a signed measure which is given by a concrete series. If the open set is simply connected and bounded then the solution of the Dirichlet problem is the double layer potential with a density given by a similar series.
We obtain solvability conditions in H6(ℝ3) for a sixth order partial differential equation which is the linearized Cahn-Hilliard problem using the results derived for a Schrödinger type operator without Fredholm property in our preceding article [18].
The Itô integral calculus and analysis on nilpotent Lie grops are used to estimate the number of eigenvalues of the Schrödinger operator for a quantum system with a polynomial magnetic vector potential. An analogue of the Cwikel-Lieb-Rosenblum inequality is proved.
Let be a Schrödinger operator and let be a Schrödinger type operator on , where is a nonnegative potential belonging to certain reverse Hölder class...
In questo lavoro studiamo il resto relativo della formula asintotica per gli autovalori di un operatore differenziale in , ottenuta mediante il metodo delle proiezioni spettrali approssimate ([3], Theorem 6.2). In un primo tempo diamo un controesempio di un operatore di Schrödinger con potenziale a crescita algebrica, per il quale il resto non è limitato. Quindi specifichiamo alcune condizioni addizionali da imporre all'operatore in modo da avere un resto infinitesimo.