Displaying 321 – 340 of 693

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On the Bethe-Sommerfeld conjecture

Leonid Parnovski, Alexander V. Sobolev (2000)

Journées équations aux dérivées partielles

We consider the operator in d , d 2 , of the form H = ( - Δ ) l + V , l > 0 with a function V periodic with respect to a lattice in d . We prove that the number of gaps in the spectrum of H is finite if 8 l > d + 3 . Previously the finiteness of the number of gaps was known for 4 l > d + 1 . Various approaches to this problem are discussed.

On the Calabi-Yau equation in the Kodaira-Thurston manifold

Luigi Vezzoni (2016)

Complex Manifolds

We review some previous results about the Calabi-Yau equation on the Kodaira-Thurston manifold equipped with an invariant almost-Kähler structure and assuming the volume form T2-invariant. In particular, we observe that under some restrictions the problem is reduced to aMonge-Ampère equation by using the ansatz ˜~ω = Ω− dJdu + da, where u is a T2-invariant function and a is a 1-form depending on u. Furthermore, we extend our analysis to non-invariant almost-complex structures by considering some...

On the characterization of harmonic functions with initial data in Morrey space

Bo Li, Jinxia Li, Bolin Ma, Tianjun Shen (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let ( X , d , μ ) be a metric measure space satisfying the doubling condition and an L 2 -Poincaré inequality. Consider the nonnegative operator generalized by a Dirichlet form on X . We will show that a solution u to ( - t 2 + ) u = 0 on X × + satisfies an α -Carleson condition if and only if u can be represented as the Poisson integral of the operator with the trace in the generalized Morrey space L 2 , α ( X ) , where α is a nonnegative function defined on a class of balls in X . This result extends the analogous characterization founded...

On the choice of iteration parameters in the Stone incomplete factorization

Karel Segeth (1983)

Aplikace matematiky

The paper is concerned with the iterative solution of sparse linear algebraic systems by the Stone incomplete factorization. For the sake of clarity, the algorithm of the Stone incomplete factorization is described and, moreover, some properties of the method are derived in the paper. The conclusion is devoted to a series of numerical experiments focused on the choice of iteration parameters in the Stone method. The model problem considered showe that we can, in general, choose appropriate values...

On the combined effect of boundary approximation and numerical integration on mixed finite element solution of 4th order elliptic problems with variable coefficients

Pulin K. Bhattacharyya, Neela Nataraj (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Error estimates for the mixed finite element solution of 4th order elliptic problems with variable coefficients, which, in the particular case of aniso-/ortho-/isotropic plate bending problems, gives a direct, simultaneous approximation to bending moment tensor field Ψ = ( ψ i j ) 1 i , j 2 and displacement field 'u', have been developed considering the combined effect of boundary approximation and numerical integration.

Currently displaying 321 – 340 of 693