Characterizations of the ranges of some nonlinear operators and applications to boundary value problems
We study oscillatory solutions of semilinear first order symmetric hyperbolic system , with real analytic .The main advance in this paper is that it treats multidimensional problems with profiles that are almost periodic in with only the natural hypothesis of coherence.In the special case where has constant coefficients and the phases are linear, the solutions have asymptotic descriptionwhere the profile is almost periodic in .The main novelty in the analysis is the space of profiles which...
This paper is devoted to the investigation of quasilinear hyperbolic equations of first order with convex and nonconvex hysteresis operator. It is shown that in the nonconvex case the equation, whose nonlinearity is caused by the hysteresis term, has properties analogous to the quasilinear hyperbolic equation of first order. Hysteresis is represented by a functional describing adsorption and desorption on the particles of the substance. An existence result is achieved by using an approximation of...
Weak solutions of given problems are sometimes not necessarily unique. Relevant solutions are then picked out of the set of weak solutions by so-called entropy conditions. Connections between the original and the numerical entropy condition were often discussed in the particular case of scalar conservation laws, and also a general theory was presented in the literature for general scalar problems. The entropy conditions were realized by certain inequalities not generalizable to systems of equations...
We propose and analyse two convergent fully discrete schemes to solve the incompressible Navier-Stokes-Nernst-Planck-Poisson system. The first scheme converges to weak solutions satisfying an energy and an entropy dissipation law. The second scheme uses Chorin's projection method to obtain an efficient approximation that converges to strong solutions at optimal rates.
On s’intéresse à des problèmes mixtes pour des systèmes symétriques hyperboliques multidimensionnels semilinéaires perturbés par une petite viscosité. La description à la limite non visqueuse recquiert des développements du type BKW mettant en évidence une couche limite caractéristique (CLC) et une couche limite non caractéristique (CLNC). Ce thème traité dans [12] est ici enrichi de trois améliorations :l’étude inclut des développements ayant peu de termes (comme un seul terme),on étudie aussi...