Displaying 321 – 340 of 438

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Reaching phase elimination in variable structure control of the third order system with state constraints

Andrzej Bartoszewicz, A. Nowacka (2006)


In this paper the design of a time varying switching plane for the sliding mode control of the third order system subject to the velocity and acceleration constraints is considered. Initially the plane passes through the system representative point in the error state space and then it moves with a constant velocity to the origin of the space. Having reached the origin the plane stops and remains motionless. The plane parameters (determining angles of inclination and the velocity of its motion) are...

Realization of multivariable nonlinear systems via the approaches of differential forms and differential algebra

Jiangfeng Zhang, Claude H. Moog, Xiao Hua Xia (2010)


In this paper differential forms and differential algebra are applied to give a new definition of realization for multivariable nonlinear systems consistent with the linear realization theory. Criteria for the existence of realization and the definition of minimal realization are presented. The relations of minimal realization and accessibility and finally the computation of realizations are also discussed in this paper.

Realization of nonlinear input-output equations in controller canonical form

Arvo Kaldmäe, Ülle Kotta (2018)


In this paper necessary and sufficient conditions are given which guarantee that there exists a realization of a set of nonlinear higher order differential input-output equations in the controller canonical form. Two cases are studied, corresponding respectively to linear and nonlinear output functions. The conditions are formulated in terms of certain sequence of vector spaces of differential 1-forms. The proofs suggest how to construct the transformations, necessary to obtain the specific state...

Recursive identification algorithm for dynamic systems with output backlash and its convergence

Ruili Dong, Qingyuan Tan, Yonghong Tan (2009)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

This paper proposes a recursive identification method for systems with output backlash that can be described by a pseudoWiener model. In this method, a novel description of the nonlinear part of the system, i.e., backlash, is developed. In this case, the nonlinear system is decomposed into a piecewise linearized model. Then, a modified recursive general identification algorithm (MRGIA) is employed to estimate the parameters of the proposed model. Furthermore, the convergence of the MRGIA for the...

Recursive identification of Wiener systems

Włodzimierz Greblicki (2001)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

A Wiener system, i.e. a cascade system consisting of a linear dynamic subsystem and a nonlinear memoryless subsystem is identified. The a priori information is nonparametric, i.e. neither the functional form of the nonlinear characteristic nor the order of the dynamic part are known. Both the input signal and the disturbance are Gaussian white random processes. Recursive algorithms to estimate the nonlinear characteristic are proposed and their convergence is shown. Results of numerical simulation...

Reduction and transfer equivalence of nonlinear control systems: Unification and extension via pseudo-linear algebra

Ülle Kotta, Palle Kotta, Miroslav Halás (2010)


The paper applies the pseudo-linear algebra to unify the results on reducibility, reduction and transfer equivalence for continuous- and discrete-time nonlinear control systems. The necessary and sufficient condition for reducibility of nonlinear input-output equation is presented in terms of the greatest common left factor of two polynomials describing the behaviour of the ‘tangent linearized system’ equation. The procedure is given to find the reduced (irreducible) system equation that is transfer...

Remarks on exact controllability for the Navier-Stokes equations

Oleg Yu. Imanuvilov (2001)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We study the local exact controllability problem for the Navier-Stokes equations that describe an incompressible fluid flow in a bounded domain Ω with control distributed in a subdomain ω Ω n , n { 2 , 3 } . The result that we obtained in this paper is as follows. Suppose that v ^ ( t , x ) is a given solution of the Navier-Stokes equations. Let v 0 ( x ) be a given initial condition and v ^ ( 0 , · ) - v 0 < ε where ε is small enough. Then there exists a locally distributed control u , supp u ( 0 , T ) × ω such that the solution v ( t , x ) of the Navier-Stokes equations: t v - Δ v + ( v , ) v = p + u + f , div v = 0 , v | Ω = 0 , v | t = 0 = v 0 coincides with...

Remarks on exact controllability for the Navier-Stokes equations

Oleg Yu. Imanuvilov (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We study the local exact controllability problem for the Navier-Stokes equations that describe an incompressible fluid flow in a bounded domain Ω with control distributed in a subdomain ω Ω n , n { 2 , 3 } . The result that we obtained in this paper is as follows. Suppose that v ^ ( t , x ) is a given solution of the Navier-Stokes equations. Let v 0 ( x ) be a given initial condition and v ^ ( 0 , · ) - v 0 < ε where ε is small enough. Then there exists a locally distributed control u , supp u ( 0 , T ) × ω such that the solution v(t,x) of the Navier-Stokes equations: t v - Δ v + ( v , ) v = p + u + f , div v = 0 , v | Ω = 0 , v | t = 0 = v 0 coincides...

Robust adaptive fuzzy filters output feedback control of strict-feedback nonlinear systems

Shaocheng Tong, Changliang Liu, Yongming Li (2010)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In this paper, an adaptive fuzzy robust output feedback control approach is proposed for a class of single input single output (SISO) strict-feedback nonlinear systems without measurements of states. The nonlinear systems addressed in this paper are assumed to possess unstructured uncertainties, unmodeled dynamics and dynamic disturbances, where the unstructured uncertainties are not linearly parameterized, and no prior knowledge of their bounds is available. In recursive design, fuzzy logic systems...

Robust coordination control of switching multi-agent systems via output regulation approach

Xiaoli Wang, Fengling Han (2011)


In this paper, the distributed output regulation problem of uncertain multi-agent systems with switching interconnection topologies is considered. All the agents will track or reject the signals generated by an exosystem (or an active leader). A systematic distributed design approach is proposed to handle output regulation via dynamic output feedback with the help of canonical internal model. With common solutions of regulator equations and Lyapunov functions, the distributed robust output regulation...

Robust hierarchical sliding mode control with state-dependent switching gain for stabilization of rotary inverted pendulum

Muhammad Idrees, Shah Muhammad, Saif Ullah (2019)


The rotary inverted pendulum (RIP) system is one of the fundamental, nonlinear, unstable and interesting benchmark systems in the field of control theory. In this paper, two nonlinear control strategies, namely hierarchical sliding mode control (HSMC) and decoupled sliding mode control (DSMC), are discussed to address the stabilization problem of the RIP system. We introduced HSMC with state-dependent switching gain for stabilization of the RIP system. Numerical simulations are performed to analyze...

Robust observer design for Sugeno systems with incremental quadratic nonlinearity in the consequent

Hoda Moodi, Mohammad Farrokhi (2013)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

This paper is concerned with observer design for nonlinear systems that are modeled by T-S fuzzy systems containing parametric and nonparametric uncertainties. Unlike most Sugeno models, the proposed method contains nonlinear functions in the consequent part of the fuzzy IF-THEN rules. This will allow modeling a wider class of systems with smaller modeling errors. The consequent part of each rule contains a linear part plus a nonlinear term, which has an incremental quadratic constraint. This constraint...

Robust observer-based finite-time H control designs for discrete nonlinear systems with time-varying delay

Yali Dong, Huimin Wang, Mengxiao Deng (2021)


This paper investigates the problem of observer-based finite-time H control for the uncertain discrete-time systems with nonlinear perturbations and time-varying delay. The Luenberger observer is designed to measure the system state. The observer-based controller is constructed. By constructing an appropriated Lyapunov-.Krasovskii functional, sufficient conditions are derived to ensure the resulting closed-loop system is H finite-time bounded via observer-based control. The observer-based controller...

Robust optimal PID controller design for attitude stabilization of flexible spacecraft

Chutiphon Pukdeboon (2018)


This paper presents a novel robust optimal control approach for attitude stabilization of a flexible spacecraft in the presence of external disturbances. An optimal control law is formulated by using concepts of inverse optimal control, proportional-integral-derivative control and a control Lyapunov function. A modified extended state observer is used to compensate for the total disturbances. High-gain and second order sliding mode algorithms are merged to obtain the proposed modified extended state...

Currently displaying 321 – 340 of 438