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Modeling Dryland Landscapes

E. Meron (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

The discovery of nearly periodic vegetation patterns in arid and semi-arid regions motivated numerous model studies in the past decade. Most studies have focused on vegetation pattern formation, and on the response of vegetation patterns to gradients of the limiting water resource. The reciprocal question, what resource modifications are induced by vegetation pattern formation, which is essential to the understanding of dryland landscapes, has hardly...

Motivující prostředí v matematice 1

Radka Jerjová (2014)

Učitel matematiky

A motivating environment is an interconnected set of mathematical problems and situations stemming from real life and connected through some context (such as a story, a fairy tale, etc.). The mathematical problems are formulated in a challenging way. The goal of the environment is to develop pupils' skills to solve problems outside of school and enable them to acquire knowledge in a non-traditional motivating way. The article presents a story On a gardener and a princess which includes 7 mathematical...

Motivující prostředí v matematice 2

Radka Jerjová (2014)

Učitel matematiky

Motivating environments in mathematics 2 is the second part of a series of articles on motivating ways of teaching mathematics at the primary school. Zhe article presents a story "Life on a farm in the Jizera mountains" which contains 6 mathematical problems connected with real life. These problems are interconnected by a story about a farmer called Joseph and his family. The problems practise operations with natural numbers. Tasks are aimed for elementary children in Grade 3.

Môže sa učiteľ matematiky naučiť kvalitne formatívne hodnotiť?

Veronika Hubeňáková, Dušan Šveda (2017)

Učitel matematiky

Formatívne hodnotenie je prínosom pre žiacke učenie. Preto má zmysel uvažovať o jeho kvalite ako takej a o kvalite formatívneho hodnotenia, ktoré poskytuje konkrétny učiteľ. V článku predstavujeme rubriky na meranie kvality formatívneho hodnotenia a krátky výskum zameraný na možnosti rastu učiteľov v tejto oblasti pomocou spomínaných rubrík. Tento výskum a jeho závery by mohli podnietiť učiteľov k sebareflexii nad formatívnym hodnotením, ktoré poskytujú svojim žiakom.

Můj zdravý rozum a nekonečno

Emil Calda (2013)

Učitel matematiky

Článek začíná poutavým příběhem z praxe, kde bylo učiteli doporučeno neříkat „jde k nekonečnu“, ale raději „roste nade všechny meze“. Dále autor uvádí úlohy, kdy je zajisté těžké smířit se s pojmem nekonečno, například těleso s konečným objemem a nekonečným povrchem nebo harmonická řada divergující k nekonečnu, ačkoliv její členy konvergují k nule.

Může skupinová výuka matematiky zlepšit vzájemné vztahy mezi žáky?

Radka Borůvková, Petr Emanovský (2017)

Učitel matematiky

Small group mathematics education (especially problem-based learning, project-based learning, cooperative learning, collaborative learning or inquire-based learning) involves a high degree of interaction. Within the small group education, learners work with their classmates to solve complex and authentic problems that help develop content knowledge as well as problem-solving, reasoning, communication, and self-assessment skills. The paper deals with such small group learning methods and their effect...

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