Displaying 601 – 620 of 2107

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Fourier expansion along geodesics on Riemann surfaces

Anton Deitmar (2014)

Open Mathematics

For an eigenfunction of the Laplacian on a hyperbolic Riemann surface, the coefficients of the Fourier expansion are described as intertwining functionals. All intertwiners are classified. A refined growth estimate for the coefficients is given and a summation formula is proved.

From pseudodifferential analysis to modular form theory

André Unterberger (1999)

Journées équations aux dérivées partielles

Taking advantage of methods originating with quantization theory, we try to get some better hold - if not an actual construction - of Maass (non-holomorphic) cusp-forms. We work backwards, from the rather simple results to the mostly devious road used to prove them.

Functoriality and the Inverse Galois problem II: groups of type B n and G 2

Chandrashekhar Khare, Michael Larsen, Gordan Savin (2010)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

This paper contains an application of Langlands’ functoriality principle to the following classical problem: which finite groups, in particular which simple groups appear as Galois groups over ? Let be a prime and t a positive integer. We show that that the finite simple groups of Lie type B n ( k ) = 3 D S O 2 n + 1 ( 𝔽 k ) d e r if 3 , 5 ( mod 8 ) and G 2 ( k ) appear as Galois groups over , for some k divisible by t . In particular, for each of the two Lie types and fixed we construct infinitely many Galois groups but we do not have a precise control...

Galois representations, embedding problems and modular forms.

Teresa Crespo (1997)

Collectanea Mathematica

To an odd irreducible 2-dimensional complex linear representation of the absolute Galois group of the field Q of rational numbers, a modular form of weight 1 is associated (modulo Artin's conjecture on the L-series of the representation in the icosahedral case). In addition, linear liftings of 2-dimensional projective Galois representations are related to solutions of certain Galois embedding problems. In this paper we present some recent results on the existence of liftings of projective representations...

Currently displaying 601 – 620 of 2107